Side Tracks 1

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This takes place between chapters 15 and 17 of Bloody Angel book 1.

We get a look at Lilits new life and her adjustments to the Ministry while we wait for Annie to wake up.

(This will have multiple parts)



Lilit hummed to herself as she walked slowly down a hall, swaying her arms back and forth in a mock dance.  Days were so boring with everyone in classes or attending their chores and duties. She was just happy to be able to roam about freely instead of being cooped up in Copias rooms. He'd told her he was going to set up some rooms for her and her sister but it would take a few days at least.  That was three days ago, and while she was grateful she wasn't sure how she felt. So much was changing again.

A week ago she was sure she was going to die with her sister, first by pyre then from exposure. Yet now here she was- fed, clothed. Given freedom to explore and so many new people around who had all been so kind and welcoming. The Cardinal, Ghoulettes and Ghouls especially. A shy smile dances across her lips when her thoughts switch to one ghoul in particular.


His name was fitting. True, she herself was a short woman standing at around 5'4. But even if she were the same height as her sister, Mountain would tower over her. Despite his impressive size, he was so kind and gentle, always saying the sweetest things to her that gave her butterflies. Something sparked within her every time he was near, pulled her to him. And she couldn't get enough. He was a missing piece she never knew was missing.
He made this new adjustment bearable.

Suddenly she bumps into a wall, letting out a small "ooph" as her cheeks flush. She turns her head and is glad she feels no one close by who could've seen.

"How embarrassing," she mutters to herself, turning to lean against the offending wall with a sigh, trying to think about where she ended up. "And I don't even know where I ended up. I need to start paying attention."

"Hard to do when blind, no?" An airy voice asks from next to her. She startles lightly, a hand flying to her chest.

"Goddess above you scared me. Hi! Didn't hear you coming." She turns towards the voice with a warm smile.

"Scusa signora. I, uh, step lightly. And I didn't think you would hear me. This is interesting," he chuckles softly. "Did you require any assistance?"

She flushes again and shrugs. "Y..yeah. I'm not quite sure where I am. I know it should be lunch soon, so I was just gonna wait for classes to be let out and go with the crowd."

"Well that won't do. I can lead you to the dining hall if you would like?" He offers, sounding farther away. She moves to catch up to him.

"Oh, thank you! It's no trouble, is it?"

"Not at all. You were not that far away to begin with."

She turns her face towards him once more, brows furrowed slightly in confusion. "Why are you out here? Normally everyone's busy."

"I am… not everyone else. I have a lot of free time I don't know what to do with, now," he replies sadly.

"I'm sure there's something you could do during the day?"

"Si. I sit in some classes occasionally. Forgot how boring they could be. Most of the time I am by myself, though. Wandering the halls or gardens."

"That sounds…lonely."

He sighs again. "It is. Maybe it will not be anymore? Not with you around, tesoro."

"Well, I'll do my best," she laughs lightly. "I'm not sure I'd be the greatest companion with my limitations, but if you ever needed someone to sit with and talk to I can be there for you."

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