Store Run

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Set during chapter 38 of 'Bloody Angel: book One'.

What happens when two ghouls are tasked with a grocery run?

One of them finds a way to have some fun hehe



Dew grumbled, lighting the cigarette he held between his lips as he opened the window wide. Aether shot him a look from the corner of his eyes before turning back to the road.

"Why even bother? The store is just a couple blocks away."

Dew shrugged after a deep inhale, relaxing as the burn and nicotine soothed him before he exhaled a thick cloud of smoke out the window. "Helps me clear my head."

"What needs to be cleared? You've never got anything up there." The gremlin flashed his teeth with a low snarl, the broad ghoul next to him laughing softly. "C'mon. What's bugging you?"


Aether turned on the directional while checking his mirrors and blind spot, letting his gaze linger on Dew as he took another deep drag. "You can talk to me, too, you know. You used to talk to me."

"There's nothing to talk about, Aeth."

"If you say so."

"I do say so."

"Fine then." Aether sighs lightly, turning into the small but busy parking lot, looking for a spot. They find one about halfway down a row to the right of the door and he parks the large car with ease. "Put it out or smoke faster. Wanna get this done before they finish lunch."

"Yeah yeah." Dew rolls his eyes and takes a couple deep drags as he steps out of the car, finger pulling the button to roll up the window. When Aether rounds the car after turning it off he takes one last drag before burning the rest of the cigarette to ash between his fingers. He stretches then, arching his back with a groan.

"Now, I want you to try and stick by me this time," Aether says as they enter the store, veering to the right to grab a cart. "Last thing I need is you wandering."

"Annie told me to behave, so I will. What all are we getting?" Dew asks, looking around the produce section watching Aether stop and look through and gather several vegetables.

"Standard stock up so Copia can cook in his rooms," Aether replies, bagging several large onions. "He has his favorite go-to meals so I know what to get. Can you go grab a couple spinach bundles?"


The two ghouls comb through the produce selections, Dew fetching the random bits Aether asks for. While the gardens of the Ministry yielded most of what the ghouls used for the communal meals during the warm months, the high clergy would often have their ghouls shop in town to stock up their private kitchens.

"Alright I think that's it for here. Let's head over to the baking aisle."

Dew walked slightly ahead of Aether, the latter pausing to look at the bouquets and other flower arrangements in the small floral department. As his eyes swept over them his attention was drawn towards the selection of colorful helium filled balloons of various shapes and themes clipped to a stand and an idea popped into his head. He reached over as he passed, blindly selecting one of them before hastening his pace to catch up to the shorter ghoul.

"Hey, pay attention. I told you to stay close, remember?" Aether said with a laugh as he gave Dew's suspenders a tug while also carefully clipping the balloon to one of the straps, the large shiny cupcake bobbing slightly behind Dew as he walked ahead once more.

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