First Kiss

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Swiss couldn't get that gremlin off of his mind. Rambunctious. Wild. Perfect. He wanted him, all to himself. Even if it was just for one night. But, no. The temptation would be too much. One night wouldn't be enough, he just knew it.

The only problem was - Dew was always busy with someone else. Random siblings of various genders would stumble out of his room at odd hours of the night on trembling legs that barely held their weight. Or, occasionally, he'd disappear with Cirrus and or Sunny. He's even seen the gremlin sneak into Aethers room on more than one occasion.

But never his own.

Oh how he wished that blond would sneak off into his room during the night. He wanted the gremlin to want him. But how could he get that across? He couldn't just outright say anything. Dew wasn't one for normal affection or mushy things. So how could…

A devious smile spread across Swiss' lips, his fangs flashing as he laughed to himself. He knew what he could do. And, even if that spitfire still refused him, at least he would have fun.


"Was that Melanie and Jayce I saw leaving your room earlier?" Swiss asked the grumpy so not a morning person Dew as he stumbled into the kitchen. His hair was a mess, disheveled and sticking up a bit in random places. "You must be getting desperate."

A low growl from the short ghoul, lips curled back to show his teeth as his eye twitched. It was too early to deal with his annoying pack mate.

"You should've gotten up sooner, fire boy," Swiss' grin spread as he swirled his steaming mug of coffee as he watched Dew rummage through the cabinets growing increasingly more frustrated. "Last cup right here until the next store run. Sorry 'bout that."


Dew lunged across the counter, reaching for Swiss' mug. The multi ghoul laughed and held it out of his reach, his other hand braced against Dews chest to hold him back. It felt warm. He liked it.

"Ah, ah. C'mon now, Dew. Is that any way to ask for something you want?"

"I will murder you if you don't give me that coffee…"

"Still not right. If you can't say it, maybe an exchange?"

Dew's eyes narrowed, one of them twitching again. "Coffee. Now. It's too early for this and I can't function without my coffee."

Swiss' smile widens and he licks his tongue out against his lower lip. "Give me a kiss and it's yours."

Dew growls again and jumps off the counter, walking towards the hall to his room. "I'll survive."


Swiss watched Dew as he sulked away, his grin falling. Well…that didn't turn out like he hoped. But the game was just beginning.


It was getting too easy. Swiss knew he was getting under Dew's skin. They'd teased each other before, quite often in fact, but Swiss was taking it further with each exchange. Dew was, to him, being incredibly adorable with his reactions. The shades of red he would turn. The way his eye twitched or his jaw clenched. The way he would sputter his replies or lunge and swipe at him. Dew tried to hide, too, but Swiss saw. Saw the smirks and smiles when he thought no one was looking.

Yet Dew wasn't caving. He still avoided Swiss' room, opting for his usual siblings or others in the pack. Why? Surely Dew, even as dense as he could be, knew by now how much Swiss wanted him. That he was doing all of this to catch his eye. It was time to stop playing these games, as fun as they had been.

Swiss found his chance a week later. It had snowed quite heavily overnight, covering the grounds in a thick blanket of shimmering white. The water and fire ghouls had been sent out in pairs to clear the paths and walkways and, by some luck, Swiss had been paired with Dew.

"Didn't know one of your elements was water," Dew grumbled, exhaling a spark of fire into his cupped hands before turning them towards the ground in front of him, sending waves of heat to melt the remaining ice and dry the path after Swiss moves the snow away.

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