The Final Countdown

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Dear diary,

There's so much I still want to do before summer break. I want to dance and sing with my friends, I want to ace my exams... But most of all: I want to live my life.

Love you lots,


On a hot day in June, Dean stared out of the classroom window.

In less than a month, he'd say goodbye to this room, these teachers, this school and more importantly: his friends.

Life's not fair, he thought as he laid his head in his arms resting on his desk.

I finally fit in and soon I can start all over again. He sighed. Why do I have to be me?

His chin touched the smooth cold desk as he shut out the world.

The sharp voice of Mrs. Blueback called Dean back to earth. "Mister Zachary, please pay attention! This is important for the exams."

She rolled her eyes and murmured: "Heaven knows you need this..."

Dean raised his head and tried to concentrate on class, but his thoughts kept wondering what would happen when he moved to the new school in a few months, how he'd spent his summer slowly losing touch with his friends and how he could make the best of it before it'd all happen.

He wanted to make memories, no matter how bittersweet they might end up being, but he also wanted to delay the inevitable as much as possible.

He needed a reason to stay in touch...


The school bell announced the end of the day. Dean packed his bag and swung it over his shoulder.

He made his way to the other side of the room through a desert storm of students.

Charlie was still collecting all the pens scattered across her desk she used for making elaborate notes.

Although she was older, she was in the same year as Dean. Not because of health problems, nor because she didn't grasp the subjects.

She was much brighter than anyone he had ever known and that was exactly the reason why she decided to flunk some classes when she noticed her little brother struggled to fit in. She helped him both with homework and with making friends and soon Dean thrived as good as he could.

Charlie was his saving angel, but she'd spread her wings and fly away as soon as the next year would start: they both had chosen to pursue different studies and dreams. Dean would go for music - his life -, while Charlie wanted to restore paintings.

Dean's voice was hoarse when he said hey. The reality was hitting him hard that day.

Without looking up Charlie continued packing her bag. She felt the pain in his voice and knew that eye contact right now would get him all teary. "What's the matter?"

"I - I was wondering if you'd want to start a band with me?"

No matter how much he'd miss his friends, the one Dean always wanted to stay in touch with was his big sister.


Total amount of words: 500

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