Chapter 13

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Catastrophe POV
I walked down the hallway, each stiletto heel clacking on the linoleum floor. I turned the corner and almost slammed into Headmistress.

"Sorry." I said, shuffling to the side. "She's awake, if that's what you're wondering". She threw me a half smile. I nodded and kept walking. "Oh, and Catastrophe, you'll need this." Headmistress said.

I turned to face her and she threw me a key. I caught it in mid-air and put it in one of the pockets on my suit. I continued down the hallway, a less somber and quicker pace than before.

I finally reached the "hospital" and placed my hand on the palm scanner outside the door. Heat radiated beneath my hand and a beeping noise above me let me know I had been granted access.

I slipped inside and walked up to the desk. It was a completely clear desk with a clear chair, so one of The Trinity appeared to be floating. "Taylor?" She asked me. I knew it was 89, she almost always addressed me as Taylor now.

"Hey, 89. I was looking for where Homeslice would be?" I smiled, drumming my fingers on the desk. "Room 1989. Down that way. Here, I'll show you." She said, getting off the chair and walking around the desk.

We walked down the central hallway and turned down another. I began to hum a random tune and before I knew it, I was completely lost in my thoughts.

"You should be a singer." 89 laughed, making me jump. I had completely forgotten that she was there. "You think so? Thanks." I laughed. "Here's her room." 89 said, pushing open the door.

Homeslice was sitting up in her bed, staring at the wall. She didn't say anything when I came in, or even turn to look at me. "Is she dead?" Homeslice asked.

"Who?" 89 asked Homeslice. "Catastrophe. She's dead, isn't she?"

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