Chapter 1

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"Rebecca he's a great guy!" Rachel scowled on the way to school.

I scoffed. "Rach, players like Michael only want one thing. Take it from someone who learned it the hard way."


"Exactly," I replied stopping at a red light. "Because mom thought it would be great to get caught up with a player, she got pregnant and kicked out of the house for it. Good thing she had Gram to look up to or I don't know how we'd turn out."

"Yes, but not every player is the same." Rachel retorted.

I laughed. "Yes, sure they aren't. If every player wasn't the same, do you think I'd be dissing Michael right now?"

Rachel rolled her eyes but didn't speak any further. It was a rare occasion when my sister and I disagreed on things because to me, I could care less. If it made my sister happy than I was all for it. Lately though our biggest disagreement involved Michael. Michael Porter was the typical player that my mom warned Rachel and I about. He was cute, I'll give him that-but his personality made him really ugly.

When Rachel announced that she was going out with Michael, I thought she was bluffing. Back then, she used to agree with me that all boys wanted was one thing. But I guess falling for Michael's charm has given her second thoughts because she claimed that Michael was different.

I didn't trust Michael one bit and in the long run, I don't think I ever will. Though this is Rachel's life and if she thinks he's the right guy for her then who am I to judge. That doesn't mean I'll accept him anytime soon. The rest of the ride to school was quiet when Rachel plugged in her headphones. Probably upset that after almost two years, I still disapprove of her relationship with Michael.

Even though Rachel and I are twins, we're still unalike. While Rachel saw the optimistic side of everything and everyone, I liked looking at how the world truly was; a fucked-up place filled with liars and false hope. We did have the same smile and eye color. Other than that, everything else was different. She had brunette hair while I recently dyed mine pink just for the heck of it. She was tanner than me due to spending her weekends on the beach. I was an inch shorter than Rachel was. It did make sense since she was older than me by seven minutes and thirty-one seconds.

Rachel was also the athletic one. Being a cheerleader, soccer player and volleyball player, she was known as a triple threat. But me? I spend most of my after-school time in the Drama Club making scripts for future performances or working at Joe's Coffee Shop.

"Are you staying after school?" Rachel questioned when we made it to school.

"Um yes I have to help Ms. Cook set up for a piano recital for tonight...why?"

"Well I didn't want you to wait up on me because Heather is taking me shopping for a double date."

I scowled at the thought of Heather. I loathed that girl with a passion. She always thought that she was better than everyone else and liked to stoop people lower than they already was. The last time Heather and I ever spoke to each other was freshmen year. She thought it was cool to bump me, making me spill water on myself. So, I did what any sane person would do: I dumped my lunch on her. Even though I got suspended for three days and detention for a week after that, it was still worth it to see the look on her face when I did it. "Shopping with what money exactly?"

"Heather's paying for everything."

"Oh, I'm Heather and I can pay for anything I want because my daddy is the CEO president of Charmin Ultra Strong." I mocked before laughing at my own joke. Since we were kids, Heather loved to mention every second of the day how she was so rich because her dad was CEO. What she forgot to mention was that he was CEO for a toilet paper company of all things.

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