Chapter 2

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It took me almost the rest of first period to find Rachel. Who locked herself in the girl's locker room stall. "Open the door Rachel." I begged for the millionth time not expecting her to open the door. If I was in her shoes, I'd be embarrassed too. The things that Michael said about her made my blood boil. And it was the stuff that I caught in time. Who knows what crude stuff he said about her before I got here.

"I'm not a whore Rebecca," Rachel quivered.

"I never said you were!" I said defensively; then added "I know you're not a whore."

"Rebecca...I'm-I'm pregnant!" Rachel sobbed out continuing to cry once again. I swore under my breath.

"Rachel, are you sure—"

"Yes, I'm fucking sure Rebecca! I took the fucking test seven damn times and not one of them said negative! I-I don't know what to do Rebecca. Mom was nineteen when she had us and I'm only seventeen! How can I tell her this without getting her freaked out? She's going to be so disappointed with me..." Rachel sniffled.

"It's going to be okay Rach. We'll work this out. How long have you known about you being..."?

"Pregnant?" Rachel finished. "It's okay to say it Rebecca I've learned to cope with it and its been about a month. I've already have my morning sickness so that stage is over. But I'll eventually need those monthly checkups and these other--"

"Are you going to tell mom about this?" I questioned taking a seat on the floor.

"What? No!"


"No Rebecca. It's bad enough that everyone is looking down on me like I'm the common slut. I don't want mom to do the same thing."

"So, when your stomach gets big, how are you going to explain that to her?"

"I haven't thought that far yet. But when the right lie comes I'll tell her. For now, just do me a favor and take me to get my doctor checkups and keep your mouth shut because it's not your place to tell mom."

"Fine," I sighed. Not liking the deal, I made with my sister. It was quiet for a moment. The only sounds that were made were Rachel's sighs heaving from all the crying she did and the bell ringing for kids to go to second hour. It was only when the late bell ring that Rachel decided to open the stall door.

Her face was bloodshot red—as if she had been high. Her makeup smeared making her look like Taylor Swift at that Blank Space video. Rachel's hair looked like she got into an altercation with a squirrel. She didn't look me in the eye as she got a hold of her bag and slowly made her way out of the girl's locker room. I followed her not saying a word. We walked down the classrooms of kids that were there to witness what had gone down almost two hours ago.

I felt so bad for Rachel. Not only was she embarrassed in front of her entire classmates, but she was also pregnant as well. The names that Michael called Rachel would make her seem like a whore since she was pregnant--when she was just a victim. A victim that fell for Michael's trap and was just another patch in the mix of hearts he had broken. When we got to the parking lot, Rachel followed me over to my car. She slowly slid inside not saying a word. The same way she acted towards me this morning, but instead she was much more upset than mad this time. And I wasn't the one who started it.

"Where do you want to go?" I questioned as I started the car, shifting the gear in reverse. Rachel shrugged not looking at me. Instead she was staring outside the window, watching the trees sway to the wind. That's when I knew where to go.


The last time Rachel and I had gone to the park was when we were both ten. Mom had a day off and decided to spend the day with us by going to the park. I remembered before that day, that the only time I want to the park was when my grandmother took us. Though it wasn't as fun as it was when my mom took us. My mom was much younger which meant that she could do things that my grandmother couldn't do. We played hide and seek, the playground equipment and we even climbed up the trees. Since we weren't allowed to build tree houses at our apartment home, we just pretended that the trees were our tree house. Just how the day quickly started, it ended just as quickly when mom announced that she had to go to work in the morning.

"The park? What are we doing at the park?" Rachel questioned perplexed. This was the first time she spoke since we had left the girl's locker room.

"We had some good memories over here," I replied. Rachel shrugged in response as she climbed out of my car, pulling her cardigan closer to her. We both trudged across the park to a nearby bench and sat down. The bench was under a large oak tree that had leaves falling to the ground every couple of minutes.

"When I found out that I missed my period, I panicked. My period always came on the 5th of every month."

I nodded in understanding because it was true. While my period was a stupid bitch that wanted to come whenever she felt like it, Rachel's period always came on the 5th of every month. Rain or shine, snow, or hail, it always came on the 5th. Which kind of pissed me of because she didn't have to deal with buying new underwear since she knew exactly when her period came.

"That day when I told you that I was going to Heather's house, I lied. I was going to the drugstore to purchase some pregnancy tests. I walked 11 miles praying and hoping that my period was irregular. It was so embarrassing when the lady behind the desk was giving me these nasty looks," Rachel blushed as she thought about it.

"When I got home, I went straight to the bathroom and peed on the first one. After five minutes, it was green and that's when I started hyperventilating. I peed on three more and they were all positive. I peed on the other three the next morning and of course they were all positive. Typical." Rachel sighed before continuing. Obviously, what she had to say next was hard to do.

"He promised me that I wasn't going to get pregnant. He said that he had sex with lots of girls without a condom and didn't get the pregnant. I was such a fool Rebecca; a stupid fool that fell for his tricks. You were right Rebecca--your always right," Rachel chocked back a sob. "Mom tried to raise us, and keep us away from the life she had to go through and I failed her. I don't think I can look at her the same way ever again."

"Mom will understand." I said more for myself than for Rachel. "Besides who cares what she thinks? You're a strong person, I know you are. You're always looking out for the best in any situation. Even though you know it's not okay. So, keep your head up and I'll help you anyway I can." I promised her.

"Really?" She asked pushing a piece of strand hair behind her ear. I nodded my head--feeling as though it wasn't best to talk. Rachel seemed lost and in another world. I needed to be there for her. Whatever she needed, I'll be there to handle it all. Whether it was going to doctor appointments, or sticking up for her when others tried to discourage her.

"Ready to go? "Rachel nodded her head before gathering her bearings together as she trudged back to my car. Rachel and I cruised around for a bit while I tried to think of a good reason to explain to me as to why Rachel and I weren't at school. We ended up entering a small yogurt shop that was a couple of blocks from home. Once we got what we ordered, Rachel and I grabbed a booth that was near the window. We sat in silence, the only sounds being small conversations around us and our slurping noises. "I hope it's a boy," Rachel finally said.

"What?" I asked not paying attention.

"I hope it's a boy," Rachel repeated.

"What--the baby? "Rachel nodded her head.

"Boys make less mistakes than girls do," She explained.

"Yes, however, boys are the reason why some of us girls do get pregnant. It takes two to tango." I added setting my yogurt down.

"I know but right now, the girls in this family aren't doing so hot right now," Rachel muttered rubbing her still flat stomach.

"Have you thought of any names if its a boy or girl?" I was stirring my yogurt not really feeling it anymore while Rachel started biting her nails. A habit she did whenever she was nervous.

"No but I'll start doing it when my stomach gets bigger. Right now though, I'll just want to make sure that this kid is healthy and that I'm doing everything that I can," Rachel explained slurping the yogurt from her spoon.I nodded my head while I waited for Rachel to finish her yogurt. When she was done, we left a small tip and headed out. Climbing into my car, I drove us both home, hoping that the school forgot to call our mom.

"Where we you two?" Mom questioned sipping a cup of coffee with narrowed eyes.

Crap they didn't.

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