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c o p y r i g h t :


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Jade Cameron (prejudiceus)

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording and so on without prior permission of the author. Any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling this novel constitutes as an infringement of copyright, which is punishable by law.

s y n o p s i s :

When it came to players, Rebecca Hart despised them.

She hated how they were so cocky, assuming that the female population at school was head over heels for them--well almost all of them. Being average, Rebecca has tried her best to avoid Ethan Haynes, heart breaker Extraordinaire and she has almost completed that task. That was until Ethan went after and used Rebecca's twin sister, Rachel.

Now out for revenge, Rebecca will transform her Plain Jane attitude, into someone that Ethan can't resist. And when its the right moment, Rebecca will end things just like Ethan does with all of the other girls--a big bang.

a u t h o r ' s  n o t e :

So this is another one of my teen fic novels. Yes it will have grammatical errors, missing words most likely and many other stuff that will be wrong with it. Though remember, it is a rough draft and to be quite frankly honest, I'm more worried about getting this book finished rather than having it edited. So comments pertaining to me fixing this or me adding that will be completely ignored. So don't waste your breath. And thank you to chaosinspace for the beaut cover.

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