Chapter 3

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"Well--" Rachel started when I knew damn well that she couldn't lie if her life depended on it. Whenever she didn't do her homework, she'd pull that lame, 'my dog ate my homework' card when one, everyone knew she didn't own a dog and two, she was allergic to them.

"Well," I said cutting her off. "Rachel had her period and it was pretty embarrassing when every she knew that's "popular", I air quoted with an eye roll," started talking about it." I finished smoothly.

"But I thought Rachel already had her period," Mom said with a raised eyebrow. "It's the fifth of every month, right? Last time I checked, today was the eleventh."

I almost smiled knowing that my mom was going to bring that up. "Of course, I thought so too. But I guess her period came late." I replied with a shrug. "Irregular period are a pain in the ass--butt," I quickly corrected, "am I right people?"

Mom shrugged in response as well before taking another sip of her coffee. "Well don't let it happen again. Rachel, you have gym shorts at school and toilet paper in your school's bathroom I'm sure of it; take use of that." Mom advised while she turned back to her novel.

Rachel and I both nodded our heads even though mom didn't see it and ran upstairs to our room. Living in a two bedroom, one bath apartment, we had to make use of what we could afford.

"I can't believe you pulled that off," Rachel praised while she sat down on a beanie chair.

"I know...maybe I could be a lawyer." I laughed while I sat down on the computer chair. The room that Rachel and I shared surprisingly stayed clean on most days. While Rachel's bed was on the far left, mine was on the far right. On my side of the room, I had a window that looked out to the road of busy cars. Rachel's side of the room had the closet--which meant that I spend most of my childhood trying to figure out the "secret" password to get my school clothes. And right in the middle was a table that had a computer, computer chair and our computer plugins and wires that got so tangled and dusty, just looking at them made my head hurt.

"You should. You were so good that I was actually thinking that I really did have my period," Rachel smiled before dropping it. "I wish I had my period right about now," She added mournfully.

I smiled sadly. I felt so bad for my big sister of a couple minutes--people were now treating her like a slut and it was all because of stupid Ethan Haynes. Forgetting about that asshole for a moment, I turned my attention to someone who was worth my time. I watched as Rachel started rubbing her stomach again.

"We should call and request an appointment." I said pulling out my phone. Rachel nodded in understanding while I googled up the closest hospital from where we lived. Once I had the information, I clicked on the little phone link which showed me the doctor's office phone number. I waited after one ring before a chirpy voice answered the phone:

"Welcome to Greenway Hospital! I'm Louisa and how may I help you today?"

"Hi Louisa," I started. "I'd like to request an OBG/YN appointment for my sister."

"Great! Well please let me know the name, age, date of birth, what time and day is best for you and the number where I can best reach you!" Louisa requested with some added rustling in the background. Probably retrieving a pen and paper to record the information.

"Oops the call dropped," I lied, "be right back," I waited for Rachel's response but when she didn't give me one, I went out.

"Hello?" Louisa called for what seemed like the millionth time.

"Sorry I dropped my phone," Goodness I've been lying too much in one day.

"That's totally fine and I'm ready when you are!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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