1 || Examinations

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"Alright class, you have forty-five minutes to finish your English exam. Extra time will not be given, even if arriving late." the professor sighed, due to a tiring day. "Oh, and remember to do your best. If you do not pass this test, you won't be graduating with the others in two weeks time. You wouldn't want to be the first to do so." the teacher then took a sip of his coffee. Mitsuri picked up her pink pen that matched Shinobu's, her childhood best friend. 

Shinobu and Mitsuri had been friends since grade two, and were absolutely inseperable. They practically lived together, because of how close they were. Often going to each other's houses, even going as far as changing in front of each other sometimes. Mitsuri smiled, turning her head to face the seat next to her. She analysed Shinobu's features, scanning her amethyst eyes. Her black, silky hair shining in the afternoon's glistening light. Mitsuri's eyes wandered to Shinobu's lips, imagining how they would feel against hers... She quickly snapped out of it though, as it was a stupid thought.

Mitsuri had liked Shinobu since forever! She always dreamed of dating her, though she didn't think Shinobu would like her back. Mitsuri always struggled from body dysmorphia, thinking she was too fat or too ugly to ever be loved. The only men she had never scared away in her life were her dad and one of her school friends. I mean, her dad hardly counted anyway! Mitsuri often cried herself to sleep in fear of losing Shinobu, she didn't even know if she was straight or not.

Little did she know, Shinobu had felt the same way about her. Though Mitsuri fell first, she fell harder. Shinobu was also afraid of frightening her beloved 'Tsuri. Even if she knew Mitsuri was pansexual, she still never thought that she would like the kinds of her.

Shinobu caught Mitsuri's gaze, flashing her a grin. Mitsuri quickly averted her eyes, embarrassed. Shinobu frowned. "Did i do something wrong?" she thought to herself. She lowered her head and focused back onto completing her exam. Mitsuri covered her mouth, trying not to squeal.

"God, she caught me staring! Eek! Why is my life like this!" she screamed in her mind. This action also attracted the attention of her classmates. They jerked their heads around, towards her. Mitsuri was about to break down! "S-sorry everyone!" she quickly muttered, as they all returned to their test. Shinobu shot her an, 'are you okay?' look. Mitsuri simply sighed, and mentally slapped herself.

The remaining time of the test, the only thought that ran through Mitsuri's head was, 'she caught me staring'. Mitsuri could hardly concentrate on her exam, often losing her train of thought. Mitsuri was sure she atleast got 15 questions wrong because of that, but it wasn't like she was as smart as Shinobu in the first place. She usually got 65%-80%, meanwhile Shinobu would get 92%-100%. Sometimes, Mitsuri would be upset because she felt stupid when compared with her best friend, but Shinobu would always tell her that this was not the case.

After the bell rang, the professor excused all of the students. English was the last class of that day, so the girls could rest easy. Mitsuri and Shinobu walked out of class together, with Mitsuri complaining about class. "Ufh! They were all staring at me like creeps!" she whined. She hardened her grip on her poor English books, nearly destroying them in the process.

"Oh come on, 'Tsuri... Let it go, it happens!" Shinobu reassured. Mitsuri gave her an unhappy look, before approaching their lockers.

"Oh, yeah! Shino, what do you think about me sleeping over for tonight?" Mitsuri questioned, putting in her locker code and opening it.

"Hm? 'Tsuri, I've already told you, you don't need to ask! You always show up unannounced anyway, it doesn't really matter." Shinobu sighed, as she put her English book into her locker. Closing the door, she brushed over Mitsuri's rosy-pink hair. "Wow, your hair is super soft 'Tsuri! Did you use the conditioner I recommended?" Shinobu gasped.

"A-ah! Yes! I've been using the new brand you told me to... It actually works so well on my hair!" Mitsuri stuttered, kind of flustered by the act of Shinobu running her hands through her hair. "Ahem.., so I'm assuming I'll come over at 5?" she coughed, in an attempt to break the awkwardness.

"Well, you can come over straight away if you want. My parents won't be home 'cause of work, and my sister will be out with her boyfriend. I think his name was Salmon..? Somem..?" Shinobu struggled to get his name right.

"I think you mean Shinazugawa-san?" Mitsuri queeried. Shinobu rolled her eyes sarcastically, and sighed with a hint of concern. "But, if i can come over as soon as possible then that would be awesome!"

Shinobu soon smiled and gave Mitsuri a tight hug. Mitsuri immediately felt butterflies in her stomach, wrapping her arms around Shinobu's back. "I'll see you soon, then?" Shinobu teased, knowing that Mitsuri often felt flustered when being affectionate in public.

"O-oh yeah! I'll see you soon, Shino..!" she waved, exiting the school gates.

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