5 || Talk to me, please

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Mitsuri sighed, as she turned around and went to her next class. She sat down and arranged her pens and textbook. Once in a while, Mitsuri would take a peek at Shinobu. She thought about different ways that she could potentially approach Shinobu. Would she have to pull her aside? Or, would she have to give a public announcement? Mitsuri shook her head and focused back onto the lesson.

Soon, the teacher came over to collect the finished tests. Mitsuri felt grim, as she couldn't concentrate at all. All of her efforts were in vain, what a freaking pain! After the bell rang, (which felt like a fucking eternity!) Mitsuri immediately went over to her locker, in hopes of finding Shinobu there. Luckily, she was at the right place at the right time. 

Shinobu was just starting to close her locker door. Mitsuri suddenly felt a wave of nervousness and determination. She hurriedly speed-walked over to Shinobu. "Shinobu-san, can-" Mitsuri began. She was cut off by Shinobu suddenly walking away, like Mitsuri was invisible! She was obviously hurt, and it hurt Shinobu too. Mitsuri quickly snapped out of it, stuffing her locker full and heading to her next period. She would try again later, after third period.


Once class was over, Mitsuri got up and scurried over to Shinobu's desk. Shinobu didn't say anything, so Mitsuri didn't either. She wanted to make sure Shinobu didn't try to run away again! Mitsuri never thought being denied by your lover could be so painful... Suddenly, Shinobu's voice popped her thought bubble. "Excuse me." she emotionlessly spoke. Mitsuri moved out of the way, as Shinobu didn't even look back at her. 

Mitsuri frowned, tears daring to battle her reputation and her emotions. Though, she didn't want to seem like a fool in front of all her classmates. She cleaned up her desk and left the classroom. Whilst slowly pacing to her locker, Mitsuri remembered something. A faint memory. 

Two girls could be heard giggling and holding hands beneath their desks. She looked over to her right and couldn't help but burst out into laughter. Her friend— no, her best friend, had drawn the most ridiculous moustache she had ever seen! She turned to face her, and threw a sharpie at her. "Let's be matching!" she whispered devilishly. She held back her giggles and nodded. Their teacher immediately whipped his head around at the sound of whispering. 

"Get out! Both of yous!" he bellowed. The two girls left the classroom, laughing their asses off.

Mitsuri smiled at the thought. She missed the times where Shinobu and her would have so much fun. Abruptly, Mitsuri stopped walking. She stood still, in front of her locker's door. Would she graduate without her best friend? Would Shinobu move away after highschool? Would Mitsuri never see her again? No, they would make up, right? Why? Why was this happening to her? Mitsuri started panicking, so in order to calm herself down, she ran into one of the toilet stalls. 

Breathing heavy and heart pounding, Mitsuri slid down the door of the toilet stall. She let out all of her pent up emotions. Her stress, hurt, love, kindness, everything. The way Shinobu made her heart beat faster whenever she smiled, or when she would immediately brighten Mitsuri's day. The way Shinobu had Mitsuri's heart in a knot, and the way Mitsuri wanted Shinobu so badly. The way Shinobu had all control over Mitsuri's mood. The way her love for Shinobu could tear her down to shreds.

Mitsuri ended up losing track of time, which made her accidentally skip her remaining classes. She, thankfully, was a good student, so her teachers believed her quick excuse. She worrily called a taxi and went to Obanai's house, since he lived far away. Mitsuri knocked on his door, still in her panicked state. "God, who is here at this hour?" he cursed. Obanai answered the door angrily, but his mood lightened when he saw Mitsuri standing there.

"Obi! Thank god you're here! Can I come in?" Mitsuri thankfully smiled. Obanai was a bit confused at her sudden intrusion, but he let it slide.

"Ofcourse, Mitsuri-san. Come in!" he calmly sighed. Mitsuri nodded a thank you, and slid her shoes off. Entering his house, Mitsuri immediately slammed his door shut and grabbed his hand, leading his to his bedroom. "Woahh, what's with the hurry?" he questioned.

"Okay! So, basically, Ahinobu- I mean, Kochou, I tried to talk to her todai buwt she kept ignoreing me and I couldn'tmseem to talk to her no matter how hard I tried, so after second period I tried again- wait,, no, third period, I tried talking to her again so I went to her desk but she simply said excuse me and ignored me completely! I can't believe it ughghg! Obanaiii I'm panicking so hard right now! What do I do?! Aaahfhfgh!" Mitsuri was so muddled that her speech was slurred and Obanai could barely make out what she had said.

"Calm down, Mitsuri-san. Gosh, you and your girl dramas." Obanai sarcastically rolled his eyes, earning a frown from a dishevelled Mitsuri.

"O-ba-na-i!" Mitsuri syllabified. "Now is not the time for stupid jokes! I need to figure out how to fix this atrocious situation! I might lose Shinobu forever!" Obanai sighed at Mitsuri's obliviousness. How could she not figure out that Shinobu was desperately in love with her?

"Look, Mitsuri-san, just go to her house. You know where she lives, and if you arrive at her house, she can't ignore you. Just talk to her there, it's that simple." Mitsuri beamed at his 'smart' idea.

"Omigod Obiii! You're so smart!! Of course, why didn't I think of that?! Thank you so much! I will definitely take you out to eat dangos soon!" she squealed. Mitsuri squeezed Obanai a tight hug before waving him a goodbye. 

Obanai sighed as he shut his door. "God, I hope this girl gets with the butterfly maniac." he smiled to himself.

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