2 || Sleepover

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Mitsuri sprinted home, wanting to be able to get to Shinobu's house as soon as possible. She barged into her house, her parents giving her a concerened stare. "Mitsuri dear, are you alright?" her mother asked.

"Yeah momma! I'm fine! I'm just going to Shinobu-san's house!" Mitsuri gleamed.

"Okay, be careful, dear." her mom sighed, continuing to watch the show that was currently on TV. 'Love Island' was probably the only thing Mitsuri's mom enjoyed watching. Mitsuri skipped joyfully upstairs, stuffing her clothes and other necessities in a pink bag that, yep, Shinobu gave to her on her 10th birthday. It had been nearly nine years since that day!

Mitsuri bolted downstairs, tripping over her own foot in the process. "I'm going now! Bye momma, love you!" she yelled. Opening the door, she was greeted by a dozed off Shinobu. Goodness, how could a girl look so gorgeous even just standing there? Mitsuri tapped Shinobu's shoulder, startling her slightly.

"Oh! Tsuri, I didn't realise you were there, sorry!" she apologised, bowing down a bit.

"No, no! Don't worry Shino, it's fine! I just got ready anyway." Mitsuri giggled, making Shinobu blush, but only a tiny bit.

They walked all the way to Shinobu's house, with Mitsuri rambling about her day the whole way. Lucky for her though, Shinobu could never get tired of Mitsuri, no matter how much she blabbered. "And then, Mr Hilton looked at my chest! What a weirdo..." she grunted.

Shinobu chuckled, "Tsuri, I'm sure you were only seeing things. Trust me, Kanae has been in his classes before, he's not a creep like Ms Stope. She's always staring at the guys in our class!" Mitsuri let out an unsatisfied hum, before finally reaching the Kocho Residence.

"Yesss! We're here, Shino Shino! Let's goo!" she exclaimed, as if she had never seen her house before.

"Alright, alright Tsuri! Slow down, you've been here before.." Shinobu sighed. God, this girl was an energetic idiot..! Her energetic idiot.

Mitsuri bursted into the house, immediately running into Shinobu's room to set down her stuff. She neatly folded her pyjamas and set them onto Shinobu's chair, untying her braids. Her fluffy, pink hair slowly drooped down her chin. For a second, Shinobu swore her heart stopped beating. She was mesmerising, Shinobu watched her every move.

"Alright Nobu! Let's play truth or dare!" Mitsuri cheered, as she clapped her hands together enthusiastically.

"Okay, okay. Just give me a second, I'm gonna go get us some snacks." Shinobu smiled as she walked off into the kitchen. Mitsuri let out a sigh of relief. She was always so anxious around Shinobu nowadays, afraid of making a wrong move and disgusting Shinobu. Just then, Shinobu came back with her hands full of chocolates, chips, cake, dango, and basically her whole fridge.

"Wow Shinooo! That's a lot of food! You really know me well..." Mitsuri dramatically acted, as she pretended to wipe away a fake tear. Shinobu laughed at this, setting the food on the floor as she sat down next to Mitsuri.

"So, truth or dare, Tsuri?" Shinobu said.

"Hmmm, truth! Gimme a juicyy oneee!" Mitsuri cooed. Shinobu thought for a little while, before putting a finger on Mitsuri's heart.

"Who do you like?"


"O-oh! Uhhh... Y-you see, Shinobu-san... I-I don't like anyone,,, hmmm, yes! I-I haven't thought about relationships at all! Nope! Never! Never in my life! Hahaaha..." Mitsuri stuttered, obviously lying. She never calls Shinobu her full name, unless she's upset or lying. Though, Shinobu couldn't help but be a little discouraged by this. Mitsuri grabbed a strawberry cake slice, trying to calm herself mentally.

"I see! Okay, now you ask me!" Shinobu put on a facade, trying not to show any disappointment.

"Okiii! Truth or dare Shinonoo?"

"Hmmm, I think I'll choose dare." Shinobu decided. Mitsuri showed her an evil shit-eating grin, followed by giggling uncontrollably. "Oh please, don't tell me it's what I think it is.." Shinobu whined.

"I dare you to let me draw on your face with a sharpie!" she cackled. Shinobu, abruptly regretting her life choice's, simply shook her head, while covering her face with her hands. Mitsuri fumbled into her pencil case, pulling out a black marker. Shinobu looked at it in pure horror. "Good lord. Pray for me." she whispered.

Mitsuri, without wasting any time, pounced onto Shinobu. Scribbling cats, words, anything onto her face. "Ow- be careful Tsuriii!" Shinobu winced.

"Ouhh! Sorry Shinooo!" Mitsuri apologised. She continued drawing though.

Soon, Shinobu's face was completely covered with doodles made by Mitsuri. She was so proud of her 'amazing' artwork. Shinobu snatched the marker out of Mitsuri's grasp, chasing her around in an attempt to catch her.

"Come here you little stink rat!" Shinobu yelled.

"NEVERRR! FREEDOM!!!" Mitsuri laughed, as she ran into the wall. "Owww!" She hissed. That wasn't enough to stop her from running, though. Mitsuri had loads of stamina, a little bump wouldn't halt her! Even if Shinobu was tiny, she was fast as hell. It was inevitable that she would eventually catch Mitsuri.

"C'MERE YOU!" Shinobu playfully growled, devilishly smiling from ear to ear. "I got you, you little racoon!" She joked, as she legitimately jumped onto Mitsuri, making them both collapse to the ground.


Mitsuri fell, back on the ground, Shinobu pinning her on top. They just stared at each other. "This is so embarrassing...Kyaaa! I'm getting butterflies!" Mitsuri thought. Her cheeks were definitely red by now! Shinobu's brain had stopped functioning, her body seconds from falling onto Mitsuri. Her purple tinted hair falling from her face.

"I-I'm so sorry!,!!!" Mitsuri screeched, scaring Shinobu and having her plummet onto Mitsuri. "S-Shino?! A-are you alright??!" Mitsuri yelped, afraid that Shinobu may have fainted!

"I-I'm okay..." she mumbled. Mitsuri sighed, relieved.

"Thank god, Shino... I think we should get up though." Mitsuri mumbled, lost in her thoughts. Shinobu's hair smelt like fresh Wisterias mixed with lavender oil. It entrapped Mitsuri completely. Plus, her chest was so soft... No- Mitsuri shouldn't be thinking such indecent thoughts! She slowly supported Shinobu up, leaning onto a wall.

The rest of the night, it was just borderline awkward. The girls avoided eye contact the whole time, and tried not to touch each other. They just prayed that tomorrow, it would be less weird...

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