6 || The Kocho Residence

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As Mitsuri hurriedly stumbled to the butterfly mansion, she rehearsed what she would say aloud. "Shinobu, can we talk? Wait— no, Shinobu-san, I need to speak to you. Wait, Shinobu, I missed you. Wait no! Shinobu, let me in please! Ugh! Life is hard." Mitsuri sighed. She looked ahead at the setting sun. The warmth of it made her remember Shinobu, and how everytime she would look at her, Mitsuri's heart felt warm and fuzzy. She hoped that today, things would return to normal.

Arriving at her doorstep, Mitsuri sucked in a much needed breath. She rang the doorbell, standing there awkwardly in the meantime. Soon, she heard a voice call out, "Coming!" It was Shinobu's. Mitsuri's thoughts went south. "What if she slams the door in my face?! Kyaaa! No, Shino wouldn't do that!" Just then, the sound of the door clicking open snapped her out of it. 

"Hello! How may I help...you..." Shinobu's positive demeanor dropped as she saw who was at the front door. 

"Ah, erm.. Kochou-san, I need to talk to you." Mitsuri forced out. Shinobu stared blankly at her for a couple of seconds.

"Oh! uh- of course...! Come in." she forcibly smiled.

"May we head to your room?" Mitsuri innocently questioned. Though, for a second, Shinobu's mind went a different direction. Her face immediately went red.

"Ehem, yes. Follow me..." she coughed, escorting Mitsuri into her bedroom. Mitsuri sat on Shinobu's bed, patting the matress as a signal for Shinobu to sit next to her. Mitsuri took some time to collect her thoughts, before speaking up.

"Kocho.. why have you been ignoring me?!" Mitsuri exclaimed, heading straight to the point. Shinobu jerked up in shock.

"Mitsuri-san..." she whispered.

"You've been acting l-like... like I don't exist anymore! Do you not like me? I-I'm sorry for what I said about you before— I really didn't mean it!" Mitsuri confessed, tears already escaping her eyes.

"Mitsuri-san! It's not like that at all..." Shinobu said, attempting to comfort her.

"B-but you're acting like it is! You're acting like we're strangers! Why?! Why does it hurt so much?!" Mitsuri sobbed, clutching onto Shinobu's shoulder. Shinobu could feel Mitsuri's tears dampen her sweater. "I missed you so much... Why does this have to hurt so much?! Why does love hurt me..." Mitsuri cried. Shinobu stiffened. "Love? Does she love me? No, she has to mean as a friend." she thought.

"M-mitsuri-san... I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have been so protective over you. I was acting like a total overprotective bitch! You didn't deserve that at all..." Shinobu stated, tears starting to fall from her pitiful face. Mitsuri suddenly lifted herself off Shinobu's shoulder, staring into her eyes.

"Shinobu Kocho. I like— no, I love you." Mitsuri stuttered. Shinobu's eyes widened. 


"Mitsuri-san..." she said in disbelief. How? How could a creature as pure as Mitsuri like someone like her? Shinobu was at a loss for words.

"I-it's okay if you don't like me back! I-I just wanted to get it off my chest... God, I'm so stu-" 

"I love you too." Shinobu smiled. 

Mitsuri felt a swarm of emotions fill her. Regret? Guilt? Relief? No, this was love. She pressed her lips onto Shinobu's. It wasn't forceful, but rather sweet.

"I love you so much, my darling Nobu."

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