Prologue and First World

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RWBY reacts to the RWBYVERSE

Part 1, prologue

Frost_light: ok to start this up, here are some changes I made to my version of RWBY.

This is staged before the Vytal Festival and after the Vale Breach incident (the incidents where a horde of Grimm got into Vale), so that means Blake being a Faunus was revealed.

Cinder is still power-hungry but is beginning to have doubts that Salem can give her power, and Amber's soul (the previous Fall Maiden) has been talking to her in her head making her question herself "is getting power just because you can really worth it? And when you get all that power, who will you have to share it?".

Raven is somewhat a bad mom for not being there for Yang's childhood but whenever she has the chance  she would follow Yang around in her raven form.

Qrow still has bad luck but he can control it....... to an extent at least.

Salem and Ozpin/Ozma are still in love with each other but they think one hates the other and thinks one is being controlled by the twin gods so the secret war is still happening

Adam is only a little bit crazy, not wanting to kill Blake and ALL humans but wants to talk to Blake as to why she just left him....... and only wants to kill some humans and is questioning the White Fangs methods and is doing an secret investigation to discover the truth about the White Fang.

Also Faunus will work different....well kinda, if a Faunus has example cat ears they will have only cat ears, they will not have an extra set of human ears, just the animal ones.

Also I am not that good at writing dialog, I am better at action sequences so if you have any corrections or tips to write better dialog please comment them, also criticism is welcome, as long it is constructive criticism, if you just comment on this book to hate it please leave, but if you have actual tips or ways for me to improve please comment them.

Other than that everyone else is the same...
"UNGGWALOP" speaking
(AHHHHHH) thinking
Normal text is the audience actions or narrator
"Ahhh" speaking in the au
(AHHHHHHH) thinking in the au
Normal text is actions or narrator in the au


Frost_light is currently looking into a crystal ball, looking at all of the characters, team RWBY were in their dorm resting after the breach, Team JNPR were in their dorm, Ren was reading while Nora was eating pancakes and Pyrrha was currently giving pointers ro Jaune, in Ozpin's office Ozpin and Glynda were talking to Ironwood while Qrow was on the couch knocked out, Salem and Tyrian were in the castle as Salem was napping on her thrown while Tyrian was polishing her shoes and everyone was just doing their own things "Well things seem to be going well.......time to ruin that"

he snaps his fingers as blue portals suck all of them into a large room with one big light, before any of the cast could react shackles launched to them and grabbed their wrists and ankles, Cinder tried using her flames to burn them but all the shackles then began to drain her energy, before they tried anything else a light shined down onto a man in ice blue White Fatalis  armor (the male .ver and doesn't have the helmet on) at the top of a very tall stair case

Frost_light began to speak "WELCOME ONE AND ALL TO MY-" he took one step and began comically falling down the stairs "WHY! DOES! THIS! AL-! WAYS! HAPP-! EN! TO! ME!" He then face plants at the bottom of the stairs, everyone was silent and blinked and was wondering if the man was ok. He quickly stood back up and coughed into his hand "that never happened. Now, you all must be thinking 'where am I?' 'Who is this person?' 'Are there Pancakes here?' "

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