A Leap of Faith

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A thunderstorm is occurring in the city of Vale it then cuts to Oscar Pine, who was wearing a hoodie with a green hood taking deep breaths, it then cuts to Oscar who was wearing a blue shirt with red web-like patterns on his sleeves and was walking towards a shed.

"me?" Oscar said surprised, not expecting him to be the MC of the next verse

"Yeah! Way to go Bosco!" Nora shouted

Oscar sweat drops "it's Oscar"

Oscar reaches for the lock on the shed but then the door glows as a spider-like pattern appears on the lock and opens, Oscar walks into the room, then an older Willow Schnee is seen sitting on a rocking chair sipping tea "Took you long enough" she sips on her tea

The Schnee's eyes go wide upon seeing their mother drinking something that wasn't wine

Oscar is seen n a subway as a train passes by. Oscar then runs up the subways stairs with his hood still up and a male's voice can be heard "I see this spark in you.... it's amazing" 

Oscar's eyes widen as he recognizes the male voice "Dad?" he mutters

more shots of the Vale is seen as lightning strikes in the background and voice is heard again "Whatever you choose to do, you'll be great" Oscar is seen opening a door to a roof top then cuts to Oscar in the shed's secret area and is in front of a red and blue suit spandex looking suit with web patterning and a spider symbol in the middle of it's chest

Coco whistles at the sight of the suit "Damn that looks good"

Velvet shushes Coco

Oscar looks up at the suit and in the reflection his face lines up perfectly with the suits as a female voice is heard this time "Our family doesn't run from things" Oscar is then seen on the side of a tall building in as another male voice is heard "You're the best of all of us, Oscar. You are on your way"

Everyone went wide eyed seeing Oscar on the side of the building "WHAT IS HE DOING!?"

Winter then realized something "wait, how is he sticking to the side of it?"

Frost chuckles "Simple, He's finally Spider-Man"

Then Oscar's voice is heard "When do I know I'm Spider-Man?" "You won't, that's all it is Oscar" Oscar then pulls his mask down forest green with red detailing and gets ready to jump, he looks down and sees how far it is down and the voice is heard again "A Leap of Faith" Oscar then jumps shattering some glass and doing a backflip and as he does so and the song continues Oscar then began to flail around mid air panicking a little. The people on the street stop moving seeing the person falling from the the side of the building and just then Oscar straightens out now diving towards the ground, it then cuts back to Willow who was now holding a tray with strange looking bracelets "Made 'em myself, they fit perfectly" she added a wink at the end as Oscar clicked them on.

Oscar then looked upward and shot something out of his hands that seemed to be white string, the string began to scale up the tower as Oscar narrows his eyes waiting for the string to land, a wide shot is shown showing the string reached the top of the tower and caused him to bounce upward due to the sudden slack.

The scene cuts and shows Oscar swinging across the city, he shoots a web that was a little to long giving him no other choice but to run along the street as he swung, soon he breaks the web as a truck drove by, he flipped and jumped over the truck, he attempted to launch another webs but missed as he jumped from car to car, he then jumped up and spun on a horizontal flag pole and used it to launch himself up while shouting "WOOOOOOHOOOOOO" he then shot a web and jumped into an alleyway and jumped from wall to wall, he then jumps off of a roof and began running on the side of an office building causing many of the worker gain a look of awe as Oscar ran, he than shot another web and began running across a roof top, jumping over pipes and ventilation and then jumped to another building it then showed him stopping on top of a metal eagle head and then hunched over panting as he took his mask of, with a face of pure awe then smiles he then jumps and swings away as the screen goes black.

Everyone was in awe at how effing epic that was

"haha" Frost chuckles "it seems everyone is in awe of that let's head to the next world shall we? Because this party's gonna get crazy! Let's Rock!........" Frost clicks the remote but nothing happens, he tries again but still nothing, he clicks it numerous time but nothing happens "......god dammit" he then smashes the remote on his seat and it clicks to the next universe

(ok a bit of an announcement, I will not be accepting requests.....to an extent, I will be accepting requests but only from time to time, please no near NSFW or is NSFW because I got at least 3 requests for them so yeah, again I will be doing requests, either DM here on Wattpad or post it on the comments. So yeah, to repeat, I will be taking requests, no near NSFW or is NSFW and hope you all have a good rest of your day or night)

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