This is Halloween

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Bold italic = singing

"Happy Halloween!" Frost cheered and snapped his fingers causing everyone to change into Halloween costumes. Ruby was a Vampire, Weiss and Winter were Mummies, Tai was Frankenstein, Blake was a pirate, Kali and Yang were witches, Ghira was a werewolf, Adam was a Minotaur, Ilia was a lizard woman Pyrrha was in a queen costumes, Jaune was in a Jason Vorhees costumes, Nora was in a Viking costumes, Ren was in a Chinese hopping zombie costume and the rest of the cast were in costumes as well (Listen if I were to tell the costume of all the characters we would be here all year)

The younger audience members were looking down at their costumes with glee while the older audience were indifferent "Now, to keep in theme with the spooks the next verse is where ALL of Halloween is from" Frost explained as the next verse played

Music begins to play within a black void until a singular light is seen from a jack-o-lantern, the camera zooms in and reveals the jack-o-lantern was on a scare crow with a sign saying 'Halloween Town' on as the wind causes the scare crow to spin and point behind it as a graveyard is shown, as shadows from the moon light begin to sing as the camera passes through the graveyard

Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Come with us and you will see
This, our town of Halloween

A gate opens as ghosts continue the song

This is Halloween! This is Halloween!
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night!

Three pumpkins fall down onto spikes like heads on pikes

This is Halloween! everybody make a scene
Trick or treat 'till the neighbors  gonna die of fright

The students were bopping their heads to the beat (This almost seems like a children's movie) the adults thought

The ghost fly through a gate into a village

It's out town, everybody scream
In this town of Halloween

The camera flies into a bedroom and focuses on the underside of the bed as red eyes are seen within the shadows

I am the one hiding under your bed
Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red

"See! I told you there was a monster under my bed!" Ruby shouted at Tai

the camera flies into its sharp maw as it now shows a staircase

I am the one hiding under your stairs
Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair

Cardin jumps out from beneath the stairs and just as he sang earlier he had snakes as fingers and numerous spiders in his hair (Younger audience members jumped a little from this version if Cardin) 

This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween, Halloween
Halloween, Halloween

A normal looking living room is seen but all of a sudden three vampires emerge from the couch, the chair, and the grandfather clock, those vampires being Raven, Tai, and Qrow a fourth Vampire drops down and that one being Summer the four sing as they leave the room and into the street

In this town we call home
Everyone hail to the Pumpkin song

The four of them fly up and reveals Ironwood in something like an Atlas council member would wear and he was on top of a car (The Atlesians were surprised by this)

In this town, don't we love it now?
Everybody's waiting for the next surprise

Ironwood sang as he danced and ended with a spin, but when he did his head didn't spin but remained looking at the camera like how an owl spins its head as a cranking noise is heard, a black cat is seen jumping down stairs before landing on top of a trashcan

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