Hall of Fame

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"Now the next one is a musical similar to the last and staring Jaune" Frost said "Then after this one the next verse will be about Penny" This made Penny smile excitedly and Pietro smile as well

"You hear that! Another one about Fearless Leader!" Nora cheered

A younger Jaune is seen in a forest holding a wooden sword and shield, he swung his sword but due to his bad form her lost balance and fell on his backside, he started to sob, he was 10 years old and even though he was training for over 2 years he never got better, whenever he would swing his sword or attack with his shield he always felt like was something was off "Dang it.....what am I doing wrong?" he said in sadness "Your form is wrong" Jaune heard a voice and looked towards it and saw his Father walking into the clearing "You have to be wider and lower to the ground"

"From the way it looks this was back when me and my family lived in Mistral, but my Dad was never there when I trained" Jaune said surprised at the end

"That is because in this universe your Father decided to train you when you were younger." Frost said

Jaune then thought (So this is what would happen if I was able to convince Dad......Kina wished it happened here)

The music begins playing as the camera zoomed in on a wide eyed Jaune

Yeah, you an be the greatest, you can be the best
You can be the King Kong bangin' on your chest
You could beat the world, you could win the war
You can talk God, go bangin' on his door

Jaune is seen training and practicing, getting better and better and getting older as well until he was around 12 and is seen delivering expert slashes and shield bashes, he was also seen sparring with his Father and beating him as well

You can throw your hands up, you beat the clock (yeah)
You can move mountains, you can break rocks

Jaune is seen pulling a medium sized boulder and a few seconds later he  slashing the boulder in half with Crocea Mors, then he sheathes his sword, it then transformed, the sides of the sheathe sprung outward then pushing up past the length of the original sheathe, the two parts meet and transform Crocea Mors into a Claymore

"huh, I should try modding my Crocea Mors" Jaune said which made Ruby go starry eye, excited to help Jaune mod it.

You can be a master, don't wait for luck

Jaune is seen in his combat attire-which was his Volume 1 combat attire-with a small smirk of determination on his face

Dedicate your and you gon' find yourself
Standin' in the Hall of Fame!(yeah)

 The camera quickly cuts to Jaune blocking an attack from Pyrrha

Weiss went wide eye upon recognizing the setting "This was Pyrrha's first time entering the Mistral regional tournament!"

"interesting, so this version of Mr. Arc decided to join the tournament." Ozpin said in surprise

Pyrrha was grinning excitedly and thought (I can wait to see how skilled Jaune can become!) and started thinking of ways to better Jaune's training

Jaune parries the attack and swings at Pyrrha who uses her semblance to push it away

And the world's gonna know your name!(yeah)
'Cause you burn with the brightest flame!(yeah)

Jaune and Pyrrha began trading blows with Jaune taking more damage that Pyrrha due to her semblance, but due to the sheer amount of Jaune's aura she was barely doing any damage to him, Jaune manages to parry one of Pyrrha's attacks and goes to swing but Pyrrha used her semblance to try and redirect his attack, only for a yellow aura to cover his sword and cancel out her semblance and landed the hit and getting her aura to the red

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