Part 15

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Yoongi answered call .

" Hoseok you bastard why haven't you deposited money in my account huh? Seems like you don't care about that bastard . Well I wasn't wrong you are afterall your mother's son. Just like her you are selfish and arrogant bitch. I hope you just die like he did. That fucking wife of mine left you two scoundrel behind and guess what both of you are fucking stupid. One goes around dealing with drugs still can't bring back single penny to me and monster  like you got fucki knocked up and on top of that by that fuckin looser and in addition that bastard child of yours is sucking all my money. Seriously I am unluckiest father in whole world whose children are completely useless and waste of air and space .I hope you die and before that do me a favour kill  that little bastards of yours and that Fag Yeonjun. -

Yoongi quickly hung up phone . He couldn't bare listening to Voice of that motherfucker.

He glanced at Hoseok figure who was sleeping soundly and for once he felt tug in his heart. He was starting to understand him and he was scared of all the information he had gained from the call -Yeonjun, little bastard this names have raised questions in his mind whose answers were only with Hoseok. But he didn't have courage to face it. A part of his heart knew of them but other part was hoping to decline it. He was desperately wishing that whatsoever he was thinking was false. He can't imagine the outcome of it.
He knew he was being selfish as he was only thinking of Taehyung but he also knew one thing that in little corner of his heart there has been place made by Hoseok. He knew he would be standing by Hoseok side if situation Ever required him to be and that's what he was most scared of.

He knew horrors of world and he was aware with its game of prey and hunt. He can only wish for Hoseok well being.


Time skip

It was evening when Hoseok wake up . He was feeling lot better than before.

" Oh Hyung you have finally been awake . Thank god . I really thought for a moment you died ." Jungkook said .

It was than that he noticed his presence.

" Tae hyung and Yoongi hyung are making dinner that's why I am here. Anyways how are you feeling??"
Jungkook asked.

Hoseok opened his mouth to answer but felt his throat was too dry. Jungkook immediately handed him glass of water which Hoseok gulped down hurriedly.

" You were having high fever . Don't worry we informed of your absence to Manager nim. So rest well. Doctor has advised you to take plenty of rest and eat well. You are quite underweight . "

"Jungkook can you get my phone please??" Hoseok requested. He was still feeling weak for some odd reason.

" Sure."

Jungkook handed him phone and he saw text from Yeonjun informing him he had drop Min-su at Si -woo's place .

He immediately called Si-woo

Si-woo -bold

Hello Hoseok where are you ?? I have been so worried . You weren't answering my call. And I nearly got heart attack when I saw Yeonjun dropping Min-su off. Are you fine ? Did something happen?

Calm down Si-woo. I am fine. I will be dropping off at your place in 30 mins. After that I will explain you everything.

Hoseok you sound like you are sick. Do you want me to pick you up from your office ??

Nope . I will manage .

Okaayy .

And Hoseok hung up call. He didn't dare asking about Min-su as Jungkook was present in room.

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