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"Fuck off Kyungsoo!!!" Yeonjun yelled and he was about to jump when he hear Taehyung's voice..

" Don't you fuckin dare Yeonjun!! If you fuckin jump down from here you will only let Soo-bin sacrifice went to vain . "

" Are you even listening to yourself ?? How can I live?? Won't it be too shameful to live when he is fuckin dead??? Soo-bin -"

" He is dead Yeonjun....he is gone ..you jumping off from here won't bring him back ....so stop being coward and step down from their right now..cause you know what ...you ...have him (pointing towards Kyungsoo) to take care of......he is carrying Soo-bin's child Yeonjun...be a good friend to him...be there for his child ... This child... father left him ...won't it be utterly ruthless and cruel  if it's  uncle leaves too??? "

Taehyung yelled aggressively . He hug Kyungsoo who was crying vigorously holding onto him While Yeonjun stood their looking lost.

"  Yeonjun get down please... trust me Soo-bin needs you to stay here with us...come to us...please...your hyung needs you....kyungsoo...needs...you...please I beg you please - "

Taehyung couldn't complete as Yeonjun lung towards him embracing him tightly as he cried his heart out.

Taehyung could only pat head of both broken soul in his arms who were played in hands of destiny.

"Hyung I was so scared...I ....I ..why did ..he do that Hyung ??....what shall I do hyung?....what will we do??..."Yeonjun hiccuped crying hard .

" You will be fine Yeonjun. It's time to say your goodbye Yeonjun .We need to bury him ...Yeonjun...as a friend...it's time you stand by him say you farewell. "Taehyung whispered softly as he ran his his down his hair while he patted Kyungsoo back who cried harder when he listened to it .

" Kyungsoo don't cry bub... it's okay it's okay everything gonna be okay . We will go through this."


Yoongi had asked Doctor to check Hoseok as he had seen later wasn't feeling well.

"You are too stressed up Mr Jung. I know it's tough time for you but be careful. Even though fetus is stable but if you keep going on like this I am afraid it wouldn't be long till you put baby life on line."

Doctor said And Hoseok meekly nodded not really taking in his words.

"I have to call  Taehyun , Kai and Beomgyu ...they don't know yet. It's already time for burrying Soo-bin...they need to be here ."


Soo-bin was burried , it was raining hard at that time...seems like whole world was shedding tear for loss.

Taehyun, Kai and Beomgyu were too shocked too process anything.  They didn't even cry.

Jungkook stares at Yeonjun who was trying his hard to not cry but was failing miserably. He wanted to be their for him but part of him tell him then he needed to lay back.

His eyes then shifted to Hoseok who was standing their with face void of emotion...icy cold .Beside him stood Taehyung.

Jungkook eyes ran down their entertained hands and it was then he noticed how Hoseok hand was trembling a lot . His eyes raked back to his face which now appeared to him of person who was trying to hold himself together.


Yeonjun wanted to run away the moment the funeral ended but he was stopped by hand on him

He turned to see it was Hoseok.

" Yeonjun stay with me and please dont argue. " Hoseok mumbled , he was exhausted.

Yeonjun couldn't deny. He didn't want to burden anyone anymore.He simply nodded as tears welled in his eyes

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