Chapter 3

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So, before you begin reading, I have to announce that the timeframes won't exactly be the same. I am aware that as soon as Kunikida warns Y/N and Atsushi of the Port Mafia, the blondie is supposed to visit but for the sake of this story sometimes it will not follow the canon timeframe. But don't worry! It will still happen!

The idea of Dazai training you is still on your mind. It makes you feel self-conscious because you want to give your best and help the others. Yes, you have an ability but you don't know how to exactly control it or initiate the full change. You barely did partially change 2 times during his training and only because you were in some kind of danger. It's chaotic to train with him, but you have to admit that his hand to hand combat is helpful. Maybe because you were from another world? You don't exactly belong here and at the same time you do. Even if by some miracle you'd get transported back, you can't use your body anymore because you're pretty sure it's just a pile of bones by now. The members you'll be working with all have a grasp over their ability, even Atsushi. Why is it so hard for you then?

When Dazai asked you to meet him by the edge of a forest you were creeped out. Why a forest and where is Dazai? How would this even help you in your training? For 4 days straight, after work he has asked you to come to this place. He made you run laps around the forest, in and out, but he has yet to teach you how to transform.

"Y/N-chan!~ Here!"

You look deeper into the forest and your eyes land on the maniac. He's hanging upside down, a rope tied around his middle. Did he just tried to kill himself again?! Just 2 days ago you found him floating in the lake while you were running and you had to pull him out. It's to early in the morning for this. In two days you're going to start your shift and Dazai made it a point to use these two days to train you all day long.

You sigh and walk over to him. "Dazai-san.. I thought you called me here to continue training, not to save you.."

Dazai waves his hands around in a defensive way.

"Don't get me wrong! We are here to train. I just got stuck and I need some help."

You deadpan. You should have gotten used to his antics by now but he still manages to throw you off-guard. What's going to be tomorrow?

"How am I supposed to help? I don't have a knife to cut the rope with."

"Well, you see? You're going to use your power to climb the three and untie the rope.~"

"Huh? But you know I don't know how to do it."

Dazai laughs. "Nonsense! I already told you that we're going to start small. Now we're going to upgrade!"

You're confused. What does that mean? Sensing your confusion, Dazai continues to explain.

"Y/N-chan. You're stressing to much when you want to change. Your mind goes in a storm and instead of letting it come out naturally you're actually suppressing it. So, let's start again. Focus on your hands and legs. If you want to climb your threes you'll need muscle and claws."

You look at your hands while he's explaining how to do it. How are going to do this? You close your eyes and imagine your hands and legs changing the form. Once you feel it you try your best to keep your mind calm and let it do it's own thing. Like Dazai said, you think to much about it instead of letting it do it's own thing. You're not supposed to command it, but simply let it take over. Once you open your eyes and take a look at yourself your eyes widen. You did it!

"See? I told you! Let it take over! You can't force it. It's a part of you and thus, it should come as natural."

Your arms have now become paws and instead of nails you have sharp claws that stick out of your fur. Your legs are thicker and with more muscle and just like before, claws stick out. You take a moment to move your paws and legs around. It reminds you of the first time you transformed. It's a bit weird to see it with your own eyes again. But Dazai is right. It does feel natural! Is this how Atsushi does it? He just gets used to it and let it out?

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