The End of the New Beginning

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When I got to the town hall I told them I would like to run for town mayor. They replied,"No women has ever wanted to run, what makes you think you can be a good town mayor?"
"I brought the only thing that can help me, my father's wisdom. In this folder there are ideas that can really transform this town." I said proud and tall.
"And what's that missy."
"Cutting down on taxes and using the saved up money to give to redo schools in our district and if extra money then give it to other school districts."
"That's not a bad idea and since no else is running and today is the deadline. You are the official town mayor." I was excited not for me but for my parents.
It finally happened I'd get my old house back and I'd live there as long as I did my job.
Mortimer and I started to date and soon he proposed right at the spot he did to Minerva. But, I on the other hand said yes and kept it that way. We were married on June 17th.
We got a new gate system and don't worry no one can get in not even an ant.
This is my new beginning to the end of the end of someone's beginning.

I'm went out there and I stayed there.

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