Cathy brings it on

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I'm sitting on the bus which we have been on for sooo long and I'm curled up watching Paw Patrol. I'm on my ten bijillienth episode but I love it. After last week I don't think Abby will ever let me dance again in my entire life.

Mommy strokes my hair and my eyes shut and I fall asleep, I wake up to Brooke saying
"Daisy time to wake up we're here"

Apparently the studio were renting is where Brittney Spears and Lady Gaga have rehearsed so I'm so excited. We're in Hollywood where they make all the movies.

Abby blows a whistle and I cover my ears it's so noisy.

"Come on let's go" she yells "no time to waste, ladies we are in Las Angeles California for our final competition before nationals"

"There are going to be children that you recognise, the kids that are in movies, the kids that are on television, these kids here in Los Angeles audition on a weekly basis they are pros"

I'm really nervous now but I really want to meet a princess, I hope they live in LA.

Then Abby starts rambling about how Melissa isn't there and Maddie and MacKenzie are staying with Miss Abby. I look at Mommy and she looks really annoyed.

"On the bottom of the pyramid I have Daisy, Paige and Brooke, you will not be doing solos but Brooke and Paige you will be in the group"

I look down, I'm really upset because I don't even get to dance in Hollywood, it's so unfair. Abby goes through the rest of the pyramid and I don't really listen.

Chloe Nia
MacKenzie Brooke Paige Daisy

The girls start rehearsing the group whilst me and MacKenzie sit on the side with the moms. It's the same thing everyday we watch the older girls dance and every so often we dance. It's getting boring and I'm never allowed to go to sleepovers because I have dance. I don't even dance when I'm there!

Their dance looks really fun and I want to join but I'm not good enough.

Then a drag queen comes in and is choreographing a solo for Nia and the music is so catchy and there's this really cool move at the end called a death drop.

Then Nia learns the death drop and it's quite funny and I want to laugh.

We go back to the hotel room and Kelly and Christi keep on going on about favouritism but me, Chloe, Brooke and Paige are having a dance party but I get tired and go to bed.

The next day Mommy hires a choreographer for Paige and as she's learning it I sit on the side and eat my cheese crackers and when we go back Abby is very mad and says they can't be in the group anymore.

When we go the hotel room I dance because I haven't got the last few days which is just boring me so much.

We get on the bus to go to competition and I sit with Brookie and she plays tea party with me which Mommy never does but then she has to do homework. UGH boring!

In the dressing room Mommy and Abby are arguing and then Mommy cries which makes me cry and Paige cries too. Paige's number gets pulled and Chloe is comforting me.

The Maddie does her solo which is really good and then MacKenzie and Nia do their duet which is sooo good and their routine is so cool. I just wish I was dancing.

One of the CADC dancers goes on stage and Abby makes a big deal about it, I don't know why. Then Nia whispers in my ear
"It's the same music as Chloe"
I look shocked, I hate Cathy so much

Then I see Mommy coming
"Are you ok" I ask her
"Yes I'm fine I was just annoyed at Abby"
I burry my face into her and then it's time for awards

MacKenzie and Nia get first with their duet, Chloe wins with her solo, Maddie gets second. That's the first time she's not won.

Now it's the group

"In third place from Abby Lee Dance Company is My Pumps"
I clap as Chloe goes to get the award. The girls don't look very happy. I guess they're just scared of Abby.

This has been another bad week so I really hope next week will be better

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