It all ends here

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This week is nationals and I'm literally praying I get to dance. We walk in and get ready for pyramid

"Here we are in another studio, another week we need to learn a new group routine this is tough" Abby says

We all nod along

"We have to do it today and there's props, now I want to reflect a little bit on the last two weeks, I keep telling you guys you have been given an amazing opportunity, you've been hand selected across the country and learnt a new number each week and done these competitions"

I know I'll be on the bottom as normal and I know I won't be in the group as normal. I'm standing next to Paige and I hold her hand because I'm getting a bit nervous about what Abby will say

Then she starts with pyramid

"Im gonna start now with Daisy, you haven't danced since you embarrassed me and ran of the stage crying"

I want to cry, I just wanna go home

"Paige, went behind my back and learnt your own solo"

"Moving on McKenzie, Nia"

They won their duet, I though they should be second and third on the pyramid after Chloe

"Next we have Chloe"
What?! She won

"Brooke and back on top we have Maddie, you will be doing your solo and also a duet with Chloe, Chloe you will also be doing your solo"

"Brooke and Paige you have a duet I want you to work together as friends, not fight as sisters, if you waste time bickering you're never gonna get it finished"

"Daisy I want you to do a solo, maybe don't forget it this time"

Yay I'm so happy I get to dance at nationals

"Everyone is in the group dance, even you MacKenzie and Daisy"

Omg OMG I have a solo and I'm in the group dance

"Every single one of you is apart of this puzzle, and every single one of you needs to pull their weight and  I'm  telling you why we need to win."

"Let's get to rehearsal and get moving"

We start practicing and Abby says

"Alright ladies the piece is called beautiful and what it's about is not how pretty you're gonna be but how pretty you are on the outside"

We're using mirrors for props and the routine is difficult, I hope I can keep up with the older girls

"Ok you're gonna roll to the left and 5,6,7,8"

After we finish practicing group Chloe starts her solo and she cries because she's tired. I feel her.

The next day we're sitting waiting for Abby and then she calls in the Moms to talk to them.

"What do you think they're taking about" Paige asks everyone

"I don't know probably about us" Chloe says

Then we get back to group and there's a really fun part where me and McKenzie get lifted up into the air. Chloe and Paige our lifting me and Brooke and Nia lift Kenzie.  Maddie gets a little solo moment.

There's a lot of points in the dance where I'm not actually dancing, just waiting off stage with MacKenzie.

Then my solo rehearsal which is a cute number that I've performed before, never on the show though. So it doesn't take too long to practice.

It's called never land and I'm dressed up as tinkerbell and it's my favourite solo I do.

I haven't been home in so long and I feel a bit home sick, I miss my friends and family.

Daisy HylandWhere stories live. Discover now