18 (sex)

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The two Sat on the beach after running around In the sand, taking pictures of paris belly and listening to the ocean splash every time a wave came. If this was happiness and peace, she didn't want it to end.

"Thank you karter, I really needed this break" he sipped on his drink listening to paris. It's been two weeks since the passing of his brother and he still wasn't okay but when he was with her she made him feel numb to pain and only feel peace.

"I'm the one who should be saying that" karter said turning to her since  she was laying down beside him.

They were suppose to leave right after the funeral but from kentrell visiting they went ahead and did all the killing in two weeks. Everyone left Atlanta to lay low for awhile but paris wasn't complaining, she loved waking up to the beach.

"What you think our baby is?" She asked karter, looking up at the sky, her belly has just been growing not  being able to lay on her back anymore.

" I really never thought about the gender I would want. As long as they healthy then I don't mind" he said looking down at her belly watching her rub it. Knowing that was his baby in her stomach made him even more in love.

"I want it to be a private moment for us when we find out and I don't want a baby shower, I want my life to be a bubble only my small family is living in" she said being honest. She been the happiest without any drama and she didn't miss anyone plus her mom has been amazing to her and her life.

"You can have whatever you want" kamari said finishing up his drink. As he stood up, rescuing for her hand so they could go back in the beach house for dinner that was being prep by a chief.

"What's one thing you don't like about me?" Paris said reading off the game card that her , her mother and karter was playing.

"How you run to everyone rescue but when it's time to rescue yourself you hardly move" her mother said.

"When your upset you go quiet instead of expressing your feelings so we can discuss them" karter said both of basically having the same opinion.

This game was letting everyone get to know each other and how the things they could work on before the baby come. " alright y'all I'm next, whose my favorite person ?" Karter said automatically thinking of his brother but then paris came across his head then his baby did. He couldn't choose if a gun was put up to his head to pick.

"The baby" paris and her mom said at once making him crack a smile. "Alright y'all I'm sleepy & you guys should get some rest too, we been up all day" Lauren (paris mom) said to them getting up cleaning up their mess, as paris slipped out a yawn realizing she was a little tired.

They laid in bed as paris talked about plans in the future as karter rubbed on her back. This moment felt amazing but her hormones wanted things to go further. She stared up at karter who was looking at the ceiling before kissing his open neck.

"What you doing baby ?" His body was having the same reaction hers was. She climbed on top of his lap but not putting all her weight on him thinking she would be too heavy. "I don't know it's my hormones" she said looking down at his lips with lust making karter realize what she was hinting at.

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