Chapter 3: closet

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this is a 1000+ word chapter. Please be mindful of spelling and grammar mistakes. I get writers block often too!!!!

Stan's POV

I'm scared,like actually.

What if someone finds out?


Ok,now I'm worried, my face is swelling up.. what if...

"Hello? We need Stan marsh and Kyle broslovski down to the office."

Shit. Me and Kyle walk down to the office and take at each other while sweating and having a worried look. We get to the office and open the door. There sits PC principal. "Y-Yes?" I stutter. "So,I've been hearing rumors that you and Kyle are dating ?, I've seen the posts on TikTok too." PC principal says with a serious look. "Uh,I may assure you sir, that me and stan are only BEST FRIENDS There is no romantic or sexual attraction between us." Kyle responds. "Ok, just wanted to make sure." PC principal said while giving eye contact.

Kyle POV

Me and Stan just walked out of the office. Oh,the bell rang. I guess that we have to go to lunch.

I stare at Stan nervously. Then I see everyone rushing towards the table. "HEY FAGS!" Cartman yelled and laughed. "Hey fatass." I responded. Butters ran right over. "hey fellas! Did you hear Stan and Kyle kissed?!" Butters shouted. "Yeah,we we're all there." Clyde replied. "Oh. I guess I'm always old news" butters said with a frown. "Ok retards,I'm going to the bathroom." I said sarcastically. "Bring your boyfriend with you!" Kenny yelled. I flipped him off and went into the bathroom. I washed off my face and looked in the mirror. Am I really a fagg*t? Like,Kissing your bro is normal....

I walked back to lunch and saw Stan in the hallway I fist bumped him and went into the lunchroom. "Did you make out with him in the bathrooms~~~" Kenny teased. "Go kill yourself,ken." I said with a deathly look.I spaced out and was thinking of Stan. "Shit" I said out loud after I realized I've been staring at the floor for 5 minutes.

The bell rang and everyone scattered to class. I sat down and stared forward to the chalkboard as Mr garrison ranted about the new love boat show. I'm not paying attention at all cause this is very fucking gay. I look at cart man and he's whispering to everyone, I over heard him and he's talking about the kiss,it's been two entire days, I mean everything usually passes off by 5 days,but this isn't like the time most of the kids here shit their pants.


Mr garrison explained to the entire class the lesson today. Everyone stared up at the chalkboard as he wrote down the lesson. "Today we will learn multiplication" "FINNA-FUCKING-LY! We're learning something!!!!" Wendy shouted. All the girls agreed and so did butters. "Butters,this is why your a gay little dweeb. Cause you agree with girls and you suck kennys dick" cart man said with a straight face. "shut the fuck up eric!" Kenny whispered loud. Butters does not suck Kenny's dick,but Kenny has a crush on butters and butters has a crush on him. No one wants to get involved in that,not even Cupid cartman.

Stan's POV

After school I grabbed Kenny by the arm. "Hey ken, can you help me with something?" I asked him. "About what?" He responded. "I have a certain- crush." I replied. Kenny sighed. "His name starts with a K ends with a E hes a Jew and he has a crush on you. Yes I know, you have a crush on Kyle. He likes you back. And has for a while." Kenny said to me. "WhAt?!" I yelled. "Yep- I mean, did you think that was a BRO kiss? That looked like you guys wanted to make out tbh." Kenny replied casually. I blushed a lot, my face went from pink to a cherry red. "Ok,how do I ask him though?" I worried. "Man, just ask him. Honestly, you need to relax and tell him how you feel."



I call Kyle. "Hello? You there? Can you come over please?" I hang up the phone and wait a bit. Then I heard a knock on my window. It was Kyle- I open the window and see climbing up. "Oh shit dude!" I help him up and into my bed. "Ok so Kyle- I've had INTENSE feelings for you for a while and I think now is the time to confess them, Kyle, I love you and I know you'll never love me back." I quickly say and hide my head under my hat. Kyle held up my hat and pulled me closer to him. Is this really happening?! Kyle pulled me even closer and kissed me. I didn't let go, neither did him. I finally let go. "Stan, I have feelings for you too." Kyle looked at me seriously. "So... does that mean we're dating??" I said confused. "Yeah I guess." Kyle shrugged. I hugged him tight and thought, maybe.. this might work out. Until I realized; what about the rest of the kids, like cartman,Kenny,Clyde,Tolkien or jimmy. They're going to poison us in homophobia as a joke, I mean neither me or Kyle cares. But it might cause something to happen.

"Will we tell the others?" I ask worried, Kyle states for a second. "No,not yet." He replies. I smile a bit and chuckle. "What should we do now?" Kyle asks. "Idk" I reply. "How about another kiss lol" he giggles. "Oh no that's GAYY" I say sarcastically. "I mean, what if we tell my dad? He'll sure as hell give me 100$." I add. "I mean, that is a good idea." Kyle said. "Ok I'll tell him in the morning, I'm going to go to sleep, you can sleep on the floor or in my bed I really don't care." I say as I fall asleep.



"Stan... wake up..." I hear softly, it's my dad. WAIT!! ITS MY DAD!! " huh ?" I reply. I look to my right and see Kyle attached to me. "dad- I can explain!-" I shout. "There's no need to explain. Your gay. Did the Japanese get to you?" My dad says sarcastically. "B-but- I can explain! I'm not gay! I mean- I am gay- but I like women too-" I stutter a lot. Kyle wakes up. "Oh shit! Mr marsh, trust me there is nothing going on between us- I-I" me and Kyle start stuttering.

Kyle and I are sitting downstairs, Waiting for my dad to get off the phone. "Yeah Gerald. Sorry about this." He got off the phone. "I called your dad Kyle, He sounds angry." I look at Kyle confused as he has a terrified face. "O-ok Mr marsh..."


word count : 1158

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