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"She was the worst character on that show."

"No, she wasn't, that's how any normal person would've reacted.", you argue in defense of Skylar White.

Dwight flicks the butt of his cigarette from the guard tower. Summer is just about over with. A cool breeze blows past giving a hint of the crisp fall breeze that's coming.

"Clearly they didn't have any money. Dirty money is better than no money.", he shoots back.

All these hours on the tower, you get bored. What's better than debating old TV shows when you have nothing else to talk about?

"I wonder if she ever told Hank.", you ponder, swinging your feet off the side.

"I guess we'll never know.", he says simply.

A few moments of silence pass by with the both of you wondering how your shared, favorite TV show would have ended.

"I take it that you're obligated to go to this party next week still?", Dwight asks.

You huff, hating the idea of being in a crowd with a bunch of drunk people you particularly don't like.

"He's adamant.", you say simply, leaving out the details of that argument.

Negan has a way with words. Even more so, a way with his body. It doesn't take much for you to submit to him in any way he wants you to. It's as if he knows your body better than you do. You'll agree to anything when he has you right where he wants you.

"I don't think I'm going to go.", Dwight adds, pulling you from reminiscing about Negan's head between your legs.

"You can't leave me there by myself.", you argue, offended that he would consider doing such a thing.

"He will be there."

"Yeah and everybody's going to come up and talk to him and crowd around him all night."

You swing your feet off the side, looking down at the pavement before directing your gaze at Dwight.

"C'mon I need a plus one to the wallflower party.", you smile endearingly.

His eyes meet yours and trail around your face. He will never tell you how much he loves seeing your smile. You'll never know how much heartbreak it causes him to see Negan's arms around you. All he can do is hope that maybe one day, Negan makes the mistake of letting you go. He knows that's far from becoming a reality but he holds onto it because you're what keeps him going. He loves you.

"If you insist.", Dwight chuckles, gaze faltering for just a second.

The idea of the party sounds less agonizing now that you know you won't be alone. Though, being glued to Dwight's side all night won't help your case in the rumors Sherry started. She has done everything in her power to wedge herself between you and Negan. When it hasn't seemed to work, she went as low and as childish as to start a rumor that you're sleeping with Dwight.

At first, it boiled your blood. Then after you realized the only person who would start something like that was Sherry, it was comical. You're not completely nonchalant about it though. Jealousy still burns at every nerve in your body watching her wink and give Negan the 'fuck me' eyes. A small part of you wonders if he would ever act on it. Some nights, you lose sleep imagining the two of them together.

"You're early.", Dwight's voice pulls you from your thoughts.

You look up to see Tyler and Keith making it up the last steps to the top of the tower. They weren't supposed to be here for another hour.

"Negan told us to relieve you two early.", Tyler explains.

You waste no time getting up and pulling the strap of the AR-15 over your head and letting the weapon rest on your back. You loved tower duty at first but now it's monotonous and every hour up here gruels by. Getting off early is like winning the lottery. Negan insisted that you didn't get a job and that you didn't have to work for points anymore. But you couldn't let yourself lounge around with nothing to do like the wives used to do.

𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄 -Negan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now