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After cleaning up, you emerge from the bathroom. Negan stands by the couch, buttoning the cuffs of his black dress shirt. Your heart flutters seeing him all dolled up and dressed in black. His eyes catch you, admiration and desire glaze over his dark irises. A smirk plays on his lips as you walk over to him, heels clicking against the hardwood floor with each step.

"Goddamn you just get more beautiful every time I look at you.", his voice is as smooth as velvet.

You lace your arms around his neck, the smell of his cologne filling your nose. His eyes track yours then rake up and down your silhouette as his warm hands fall onto your waist.

"And you look more handsome every time I look at you.", you tell him, the edges of your glossed lips turning upwards.

He leans in, leaving slow, sensual kisses up your neck. Goosebumps rise under your skin. The stubble of his beard scratches the tender spots of your neck.

"We better go. We're already late and if you keep looking at me like that, I'm liable to keep you here to myself all night long.", he warns, leaving a final kiss on your jaw.

Your breathing hitches in your throat. His words ignite a fire in your abdomen. You pull away, smiling ear to ear. You take his hand and lead him to the door.

"It would be a shame to miss your party. We have all night to make up for lost time.", you tease, as he opens the door for you.

His stare alone is enough to make your knees weak. He follows you out the door, eyes glued to you. A devilish smirk plays on his lips.

"Neither of us are sleeping tonight.", he says, his voice dripping with seduction.

You giggle as he snakes his arm around your waist, unable to keep his hands off of you as he takes you to the party.


You've never seen anything like it. The commons are packed. Lights flash and music plays loudly, beating against the concrete walls of the factory. You hadn't realized just how many people live here. Everyone is drinking and laughing. The bass of the music thumps in your chest as you two walk down. People gather by the speakers, dancing and swaying to the music. Looking around, one wouldn't think the world hadn't fallen to shit around them. No, this is just like before.

As you two make it to the main floor, Sherry makes her way through the crowd, holding three drinks in her hand.

"Nice of you guys to finally make an appearance.", she calls over the music, shooting a knowing look between the two of you.

Your cheeks instantly flush and Negan chuckles, his hand still resting on the small of your back. She hands you both a cup filled halfway with a clear substance. You bring it to your nose and just as quickly back your head away from it. It's strong.

"Moonshine.", Sherry tells you, seeing the look on your face.

Negan laughs at your crinkled nose. His dark eyes watching you in adoration. He brings the cup to his lips and downs most of it, Adam's apple bobbing in his throat.

"Well, I came over here to steal her from you. I need a dance partner.", Sherry says with a smile as she grabs your hand.

She pulls you away, and you look back to Negan who laughs, watching her drag you into the sea of dancing bodies.

"Bring her back in one piece.", he calls to her, sending you a wink as you let her lead you to the center of the crowd.

After getting to the center, you begin to feel the shyness creeping up on you. Deciding not to let your brain win, you gulp the moonshine down, in hopes it'll combat the urge to go sit in the corner. It's almost putrid but you force it down.

𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄 -Negan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now