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HEY Y'ALL IT YOUR WATER PRINCESS AND I AM BACK. For goodness sakes. Why do I say that I haven't gone any where but the shower. So my pending sanity out of the pictures. LETS SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT SHALL WE?


Jerome chucked and found that Mitch had fallen back sleep. He tucked Mitch back into his bed again and then crashed down in his own and slept.


Josh woke up when a soft ticklely something fluttered past his nose. He swatted it away and heard babies giggling. So it wasn't a dream he thought.
"Snick," more giggles and a baby Tobi saying "Shhhh. He'll wake up."

"Snap" and Josh felt some of his hair fall off. He sat bolt up right and Preston tumbled away. His shirt was covered with his dark brown hair. "ROB. COME GET YOUR TODDLER," Josh bellowed.

"For f*uck sake Josh. Shut up it's only 11," Simon shouted back. Then Harry began to cry. "Oh God. Harry please," Simon said.

Rob came running into Josh's room. "What's... OH MY GOD. JOSH YOUR HAIR!!!!" He said/yelled. Tobi and Preston were rolling around, laughing on the bed.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY HAIR," Josh yelled as he flung of the blankets and ran to be bathroom. Preston and Tobi just laughed harder as the blanket covered them.

Jerome walked in carrying Mitch, holding Lachlan's hand and Lachlan was holding Vikk's hand. Simon followed, rubbing Harry's back as he fell back asleep. "What is going on," Jerome asked. Mitch rubbed his eyes and whimpered. Lachlan stood there wide eyed and confused and Vikk just seemed to cling to Lachlan's hand as he yawned repeatedly.

"WE HELPED JOSHY!!" shrieked Tobi.

"No. No you did not. You made Joshy very upset," Josh said, walking out of the bathroom.

Tobi's face fell and Preston stopped laughing. "Really?" Preston said sadly.

"Really. What you two did was very bad. What did you two even use to cut my hair?" Josh demanded.

Preston held out his hand. In his small, chubby baby hand was a pair of shinning scissors. Josh went white and in a low voice said "Preston hand me the scissors. Now."

Preston and Tobi looked at each other. "Give him the scissors," Rob commanded.

Preston looked angry, but the toddler handed over the scissors. Rob looked over at Jerome, "How did you end up with 3 of them?"

"I have no idea," Jerome said.

"Well I know what we are doing first," Simon said.

"What?" Jerome asked as he tried to wake up the Vikklan Babies. They had been standing there so long, Vikklan had fallen asleep standing there.

"We are gonna baby proof this f*cking house," Simon said walking out of the room. He was going to put Harry back to bed. 2 year olds need way more sleep than he thought they did.

"As for you two," Rob said, "Time out for 4 minutes."

"But I don't wanna," Preston began.

"Then you should have thought of that before you cut my hair. Come on to Tobi. You as well," Josh said picking him up and setting him on a chair that was in the room.

Rob took Preston to their room and did the same, while Jerome took Mitch, Vikk and Lachlan down to the kitchen for breakfast. It was 11 am. They had to eat at some point he thought.

The screams of anguish began from upstairs. "Wha wrong wif dem," Mitch asked.

"They don't want a time out," Jerome said, catching Lachlan with his foot. They were now going down the stairs and he was carrying Mitch and Vikk, but Lachlan kept almost falling down them.


AND THAT'S THE END OF THIS CHAPTER! Thanks for reading. Please live a comment if you have any ideas or if you think I have something wrong.


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