A Beast to The Rescue

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Hey y'all, I am your Water Princess and I finally was able to write. I really really have missed it. Don't think this means I'll have normal updates; I am still in college and I have to focus on that. Anyways, go have fun with the babies


Jerome starts to usher the little ones in. "Let's get breakfast then we can go on a puddle walk."


JJ packs up his stuff as Caspar bounces on his bed. "Where are you going again?"

JJ sighs, "We've been over this, to Maine. The other Sidemen apparently miss me so much that they made up a stupid story that some of them have been turned into infants of all things."

"Wow," Caspar laughs and rolls his eyes. "They really miss you then."

"Yeah, and my flight is at 10 pm, so like an hour. SO GET OUT OF MY ROOM SO I CAN PACK."

"NEVER!!!!" Caspar jumps around.

In true JJ fashion he got to the airport 5 minutes before his flight left and somehow sweet talked his way to his seat.


Jerome drives to the airport with a sleeping Mitch in the backseat. When he finally get there, he slowly extracts the baby from his car seat and tucks him into a stroller. He has just enough time to grab him and JJ each a coffee before JJ's flight lands.

JJ smiles and takes the coffee. "Hey man. How've you been? And who is this?" He coos as he kneels down and brushes hair from Mitch's eyes.

Mitch's little chest rises and falls as he sleeps. He sighs softly around his thumb when JJ fixes his hair

"Mitch," Jerome gently picks up the 4 year old up. "This is Mitchell Donnell Ralph Hughes." He cuddles the baby.

"No its not," JJ rolls his eyes. "He is not Mitch. There is no way."

Jerome gently shakes Mitch awake. "Mitch buddy. Wake up for Biggums."

Mitch slowly opens his eyes and peers at Jerome. He scrubs sleep from them, "Biggums? We hewe?" His yawns nearly too big for his face.

"Yeah pumpkin. We are here to get JJ." Jerome rocks him and smiles.

"JeeJee?" Mitch looks around lost, but hopeful. He looks at the large man and squeals, while making grabby hands. "JEEJEE!!!!" He tries to fling himself out of Jerome's arms to hug JJ.

JJ stares at Jerome, but takes the squirming boy. He bounces him on his hip. "Jerome you can't serious. Magic isn't real."

Jerome sighs, "If you had told me that any time before this I would have agreed. But JJ, my closest and best friends have become toddlers." Jerome's face was a picture of confusion and sadness.

Mitch nods, "Pwetty bue lady do." He liked Olivia. She gave him a cookie!

Jerome sighs and grabs JJ's bag from the baggage claim and leads him to the car. "Yes Mitch, Olivia did it."

"Who's Olivia?" JJ groans as he starts to get more frustrated with not only the half bits of information he was getting, but the struggling toddler in his arms.

Jerome sighs. "I'll tell you on the way to the vacation house."

Mitch pats JJ's face and giggles. "Biggums? We get ife cweam?"

Jerome takes the tot and tucks him into his car seat, "Sorry Baby Biggums. It's bed time."

Mitch crosses his little arms and pouts crossly. He just woke up and had no desire to go back to sleep

JJ gets in and rubs his face. "I didn't think you actually were serious. I thought it was a joke!!!"

"Sorry dude," He sighs as he gets into the drivers seat. "I wish it was a joke." He loved all the babies but this was hard work!! If he could get them back to their old selves, he would in a heartbeat.

On the way home Jerome explains what happened, how they all were woken up really early to find that Mitch, Vikk, Lachlan, Harry, Preston and Tobi had been turned into small children. He then tells JJ Oliva's story and that she was some kind of princess with magic powers. Finally, just as they are pulling into the driveway, Jerome tells JJ about Rob's leaving and Preston's heart being broken.

JJ stares slack-jawed at Jerome, "What the actual fuck man? What have you brought me into?!"

"We needed your help man. I wish there was a way around this. Like this didn't happen," He picks up the gently snoring baby from his car seat. "If I had an answer or knew anything else JJ, I would do something but I can't. I know nothing."

JJ rubs his face. "God man..." He was considering getting back on a plane and flying very very fair away from this new kind of crazy

The odd trio walk up the front path and just before they went inside, Jerome grabbed JJ's arm. "Do. Not. Shout. It took hours to get all of them asleep. If you wake them, I will kill you."

"Fuck man. It's not like I'll wake them on purpose."

"JJ it is you. Your natural noise level is loud."

He glares, "Can we go inside now??"

"Sorry. I just...worry." Jerome leads him inside.

"I can tell," he laughs and follows.

Jerome smiles softly and giggles at Josh and Simon on the couch. Josh has Simon's face tucked under his chin and both have their arms wrapped around the other. Harry curled between them warm and happy. Tobi lying on Josh's back sucking his thumb and forefinger.

JJ holds back squeals of joy and fangirling. "They did it!!!!" He bounces and hisses happily.

Jerome giggles, "I can see you believed that part. Do you want to help me tuck Mitch in?"

He giggles and nods.

Jerome and JJ tuck the sleeping child in. Jerome shows JJ the other children and the house.


Well, hope y'all enjoyed. I did!! I really missed this story. Any ways...


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