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Wow. Last chapter was a doozy. (Hehehehe I like that word. Doozy)

Anyway more drama now!!!


She was cut off by Olivia drawing herself up. She mangled to look regal in her punk printed shirt with Ariel on it, and black jeans. "As your Princess I order you to let me do this."


"Alright but as your royal adviser, I advise against it," Sofia said, her voice loaded with annoyance.

"Advice noted, now let me and Jerome talk. Alone. Take the others and the babies for ice cream. Jerome and I will go to the park across the way. I'll text you when we are done. Understood?" Olivia ordered.

"Yes my princess," Sofia said walking away.

"I hate pulling the princess card, but she forgets who I am and that she's here for me," Olivia said, playing with the end of her braid.

"Well, who the HELL are you," Jerome said with some anger.

Suddenly a small body threw itself at Jerome's legs. "BIGGUMS," the babe shrieked.

Jerome scooped Mitch up. "Baby Biggums. Livvy and I need to talk, can you go with the others?" Jerome asked.

Mitch shook his head and wrapped his little arms around Jerome. "No weave Biggums," he said.

"It's alright. He already knows something. Right Mitchy?" Olivia said as she smiled fondly at the toddler.

"WADY. PRETTY BWUE WADY!!" Mitch yelled happily as he looked at Olivia.

"Wait that's you!?!" Jerome said in surprise.

"Um yeah, doll. That's me. Please let's sit down," Olivia pleaded.

Jerome looked at her with suspicion, but followed her across the street to the small park. They found an empty bench and sat down. Immediately, Mitch squirmed around until he was out of Jerome's hold. He raced off to the small play ground.

"MITch ah maybe... Oh forget it," Jerome said.

"He'll be back in about 30 seconds when he gets bored," Olivia said, still smiling.

"Then you have about that long to explain why my best friend is a damn 4 year old," Jerome said. His face was getting red.

"Ok, Jerome please. Whatever you're thinking, I swear, it wasn't on purpose!!!" Olivia said, with a small amount of panic in her voice.

Jerome just stared at her. "It was a huge accident. I was reading this book on old magic and I had one of y'alls videos going in the background. The next thing I know I'm seeing a mist screen of each of the boys that are now babies. I saw what had happened so I woke up Sofia. She calmed me down enough to come up with a plan. We found out where y'all where staying and teleported here with a small bag each. I got in the house and made all the changes you saw," Olivia bowed her head and a tear rolled off her face. "I never wanted to hurt anyone. I just lost control and-"

Jerome cut her off, "Livvy, I can't pretend I understand half of what you just said." He put an arm around the sniffing girl's shoulder, "But, I see that you didn't mean this and if you wanted to hurt us you would have already."

Just then Mitch came racing back, "Play?"

Olivia picked up the little boy and sat him on her lap, "Sorry doll, Biggums and I are talking. Maybe in a bit ok?"

Mitch pouted for a moment, before giving a huge smile, "Ok, BIGGUMS FINISH TALK TO LIBBY!!!!!" And with that the tot jumped out of Olivia's lap and ran to the play ground again.

The pair shared a small smile. "Livvy. Who are you?" Jerome asked nervously, almost like he didn't want to hear the answer.

"Jerome... I can't-" she stopped short when she saw the crestfallen look. "Jerome, I am dangerous, powerful even. I start wars with a tear and stop them with a smile. I don't have friends, i have body guards. I can turn grown men into babies. Who do you think I am?"


Hey dolls. I am so sorry this took so long. I started college Thursday and classes start tomorrow so I have be so busy. PLEASE STILL LOVE ME!!!

Yeah, I've lost my mind. It's ok. I'm sure it's here some where. *looks around the dorm room hopelessly.


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