Why Don't These Toddlers Like Chairs

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Thank y'all for all the encouragement last chapter. I was worried a bit and now I'm all good!! I'm so so sorry this took so long. It got to the point where I was just get this done so we can go shopping.


When they pulled into the parking space at the mall, Harry was asleep, Tobi was still staring out the window. Lachlan was looking out the window and sucking the thumb on his free hand. Mitch was talking at Vikk, who had a hand from both Mitch and Lachlan and he was playing with them.


Simon, Josh, and Jerome got out of car. Before they left the house, they found strollers in the garage and put them in the van. At the house there was a triple seater, a double and 2 singles.

The boys got the triple and the double. Jerome got Lachlan out to start with because as soon as the van stopped, he started fussing.

Before Jerome got Lachlan settled in the stroller, Vikk started to whimper. Josh went to get Vikk out of his seat because they didn't want the mall cops to yell at them for having a screaming baby.

Simon unbuckled Tobi. As soon as he was free, Tobi hopped out of the van and ran to Josh's side. He grabbed Josh's hand that wasn't holding Vikk.

Josh handed Vikk to Jerome, who clipped Vikk into his seat. Vikk promptly grabbed Lachlan's hand and began playing and bending the fingers.

Jerome got Mitch out of his seat and when he went to put the tot in the stroller Mitch screamed, "NOOOO."

Simon flinched because he was holding a sleeping Harry. "Jerome," he hissed.

Jerome looked at Mitch, "Mitch. What is wrong?!?"

Mitch sniffed, "no wike chair. Has wheels."

Josh was settling Tobi into the double. "Mitch. It's safe! Look at Tobi, Lachy and Vikk. They're all safe," Josh said.

Mitch looked down at his friends. Lachlan was pushing his hair out of his eyes and pushing Vikk's hair out of Vikk's eyes with one hand. Vikk was ignoring the pawing of the baby Aussie and kept manipulating the blonde's fingers. Tobi was kicking his legs freely and enjoying the rocking of the stroller.

Simon was settling a sleeping Harry into the stroller next to a cheerful Tobi.

Jerome looked at Mitch in his arms. "Mitch. Please?"

The toddler looked up at his Biggums. He really was scared of the chair, so he shook his head very fast. "No no NO Biggums."

"If I let you be a Mitch hat will you promise to behave?" Jerome asked.

Mitch squirmed in Jerome's arms until he was hugging the older boy. "Yes Biggums."

Jerome hugged the little boy back. "Alright then. Come on," he said as he swung the now happy Mitch on to his shoulders.


I'm so sorry y'all had to wait so long for this trash.

I AM.... oh forget it. I'm out.

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