Baby's R Us

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I am shocked and happy that y'all like this so much! Thank you!!!


Jerome hugged the little boy back. "Alright then. Come on," he said as he swung the now happy Mitch on to his shoulders.


Mitch giggled happily from his perch. "Come on guys. Let's go," Jerome said.

Jerome began to push the triple through the parking lot with Simon close behind with the double. Josh locked up the car and ran to catch up with Simon.

"I need to talk to you later," he murmured into Simons ear.

Simon nodded, but gave Josh a confused look. Josh just shrugged his shoulders and they walked into the mall.

"Alright. Can you handle these 5 while I find SOME WHERE that will fix my hair?" Josh said.

"Yeah," Jerome said.

Simon gave his famous smile, "We will be fine!"

Josh looked at the tots and said Good Bye to them.  He ruffled Mitch's hair, patted sleeping Harry on the head, Tobi got a small hug and promise that he would be back, Vikk got a kiss on the forehead and he pushed Lachlan's hair out the little boy's face. He gave Simon a quick hug and Jerome, a got a high five, before he ran off.

"Bye Bye Joshy," said all the awake toddlers as the waved.

Jerome and Simon set themselves so they were walking next to each other with the strollers.

"So. What's going on with you and Josh," Jerome asked.

Simon blushed, "I don't know. Ummm."

"Dude. If you like him, all of us. Even the toddlers, are fine with it. If your gay it's not a problem. Your still Simon. No matter who you like," Jerome told his friend as they walked to the baby store.

Simon blushed even harder at this. Mitch reached over from Jerome's head and patted Simon's head. "If you wuv Joshy wike Vikky wuvs Wachy. Why we care?"

"I don't know Baby Biggums, but can you keep it a secret?" Jerome asked pressing his finger to his lips.

"YES," Mitch shouted hugging Jerome's head.

Jerome ignored the yelling. Harry didn't wake up and he didn't care that they got looks.

When they got in to the Baby's R Us in the mall, a cheerful brunette bounced over to them. "Hi! Welcome to Babys R Us. Can I help you and your," she looked uncertainly between the two boys.

Jerome finished her sentence. "Friend. And yes you can. We have to baby proof a vacation house."

"Ok. My name is Lesa and I can help you with that. To start us off, how many adults and children are living there as well as how many bathrooms and rooms you would like to keep them out of."

The two looked at each other. How were they going to keep it quiet that they were adults that had been changed to kids. Simon spoke first, "we have um 6 kids. All under 5 and 4 adults. 4 bathrooms? And kitchen cupboards. One of the other guys had a hair cut this morning because SOMEBODY FOUND SCISSORS."

Tobi hid his face in his hands. Mitch move to hit Simon, yelling, "NO MAKE TOBI SCWARED!!!!!"

Jerome swung Mitch down. "Mitch. We don't hit. I want you to hold the stroller and if you don't behave you will have time out."

When Mitch yelled Harry woke and began to cry. Simon was holding him in an instant and rocking him. Lachlan and Vikk just sat there looking confused.

Lesa looked shocked and impressed, "Wow. I see parents with less control over their kids then you two have. Now I have to ask. Are these boys all yours?"

"No, I mean kinda, I mean it's really complicated," Simon stuttered.

Lesa laughed and led them all to the baby proofing section and began talking.

Mitch was stomping along side the stroller muttering baby curses. Both Jerome and Simon stopped watching the toddlers. Mitch saw an opportunity and took it!


There this chapter was decent. Thanks for reading. Hope y'all enjoyed.


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