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Jisoo continues to have those casual dates with Jinyoung. They would sit together during lunch and he would drive her home whenever he is free.

On the other hand, Lisa goes on with her usual day to day life, mostly hanging out with her bestfriend, Park Chaeyoung.

Between the two, Jisoo had remained civil, ignoring as much as she can the other girl because she can't help but be reminded of their intense and weird exchanges during that one Sunday.

But of course, living under one roof, that isn't going to happen. Not until their parents noticed the silent treatment between them. Then, on that day, over dinner particulalrly, Marco had voiced out his observations.

"Care to tell us why are you two giving each other cold shoulders?"

Jisoo almost stops midway in swallowing her food. Lisa remains unbothered.

"Did you two have a fight? Lisa, what did I tell you? Never fight with your unnie." It was Marco. So Hee looked at Jisoo questioningly and the latter just bowed her head.

Lisa sighs, but did not answer. Instead she quickly finished her food. And excused herself.

"Jisoo, sweetheart, did Lisa do something to you?", Marco inquires.

"No no no! She didn't do anything to me."

"Then why are you not talking to each other?", her mother.

"Hmm..I..well, you know her, she really doesn't like to talk. And these days, I also don't feel like talking to her. Yeah, that's it. Please don't worry about us. We're fine, really.", she tries to assure.

"If Lisa does anything to you or makes you uncomfortable please tell me immediately. I know she's hard to deal with sometimes."

And Jisoo felt so much guilt for making it appear that Lisa did something wrong to her.

"No, uncle, promise she didn't do anything. It's just..our mood."


There was a knock in Lisa's door. She was about to turn off her lights and try to catch that sleep, but then the knock came.

She lazily got up and opens the door. She frowns seeing Jisoo with her long wavy hair down.

She's so pretty in messy hair.

"Can I come in?"


"Hmm I think we need to talk?", Jisoo's unsure.

"What about?"

"Can I come in?", she repeats instead. "I mean, we can't talk while I'm here. Your Dad and Mom might hear whatever what I'm about to say and I don't want that."

Lisa has no choice so she opens her door and stepped aside to let her in.

"Wow. So this is your room. So... you."

The older looks around the room. It's plane. The usual cabinet for clothes, a full body mirror beside it. A table, bookshelf, laundry basket with overflowing clothes. A single bed, white sheets with blue blanket and pillow cases. Some pictures and that's it.

Jisoo looks at the bed and with her eyes, she asks permission to sit, to which Lisa nods.

"This is my first time here. I always thought your room to be so gloomy or emo.", she teases.

"I'm not any of those.", she says, sitting on the chair to her study table. "What do you want to say?"

"I think I owe you an apology."

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