⇀Chapter 6↼

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"So it's a deal, then?~" - Alastor.

"So it's a deal, then?~" - Alastor

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•3rd POV•

Alastor and Yuji made it back to the lounge. Charlie was reading, Vaggie was sharpening her spear, Husk was making drinks at the bar, and Angel was asleep on the couch.

"Huh. Everyone seems to be busy."

The duo went their separate ways. Alastor went to bother the hell out of Husk.

Itadori sat down on the couch next to Angel, who was sleeping on the couch.

The pink haired boy decided to wake up the demon. He gently shook and the fluffy demon awake, and speaking in a soft tone so he doesn't startle him.

"Hey, Angel. Wake up."

Angel wakes up, and he sees Itadori. The spider demon can't help but smile and wraps his arm around him.

"Hey, sugar. How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good! You look tired... Did you stay up, thinking about your stalker?"

Angel hesitates, but he nods his head.

The pink haired boy put his hand on the demons shoulder.

"You have nothing to worry about! I promise you, that will be taken care of, and I'll handle it. I'm not letting you get harassed."

Angel smiles, happy that there someone there for him. "Thanks, sugar."

Yuji nods, smiling.

Then someone walked into the lounge. It was Vaggie, who seemed to be skeptical.

"Hey, V! What's up?" Yuji asked.

"Someone's here."

"Really? Who?" Angel asked.

"He didn't give me a name. He just said he wanted to see you, Angel."

Yuji and Angel tense up, they share an expression of surprise. Then they looked at each other with an unamused expression.

"Oh, genial..." Itadori muttered.

The duo get up from the couch and they go to the lobby.

"I hope it's someone else." Angel mumbled.

The two walked into the lobby.

Lo' and behold...

It was Angel's obsessed stalked.

"Oh, Angel! There you are! I was looking all over for you! And here you are..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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Itadori Harem - Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss AUWhere stories live. Discover now