001, 𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗔𝗻𝗻𝗮

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Authors Note:
This is basically just introducing Anna to Seattle Grace
The next update will be based off of season 5

Anna stood in the mirror in her bedroom. She took a deep breath and sighed. She was starting her new job at Seattle Grace.

Anna was the daughter of Dr Addison Montgomery. She had been an intern at St Ambrose hospital in LA. But she wanted a change.

After checking her appearance, she grabbed her bag and turned to leave. "Come on Anna. You've got this," she mumbled.

She took a deep breath and left the hotel she was staying in. "Seattle Grace... here I come," she said as she slipped on her jacket.


Anna arrived outside the hospital. She smiled as she looked to a text from her mom;

Good luck Anna. I love you x

Anna put her phone away. She got out the car and walked inside. She saw a brunette girl. She smiled. "Do you know where I can find Dr Richard Webber?" She asked.

"Oh. Sure. He'll be in his office. Are you new here?" The brunette asked.

Anna smiled. "I'm Anna Montgomery. Annabelle. But call me that and I will end you," she said with a wink. "I'm kidding. I just don't like my name. So Anna will do."

"I'm Lexie. Lexie Grey."

Anna's eyebrows raised. She smiled. "Interesting. The office?" She asked.

Lexie nodded. She turned and walked in front. Wondering who this new girl was. And why she thought it was interesting her name was Lexie Grey.

"His office is just there. You're like really pretty."

"Oh... thanks. I think," Anna said as she smiled. She thought she and Lexie would be good friends. "I'll catch you later."


Richard Webber looked up as the door opened. He smiled as he saw Anna Montgomery there. "Anna. Welcome to Seattle Grace. How's your mom?" He asked.

Anna smiled. "She's mellow. LA is doing well for her. She loves it," she told him.

Richard nodded. "It's good to see you. The last time I saw you, you were fourteen years old and causing trouble at school."

"Haven't changed much. I think Seattle could be good for me. Make a change in my life. And I heard you needed a new resident. I did internship at St Ambrose, in LA," Anna said.

"Addison mentioned that. I'd be happy to have you here. Can you start today?" Richard asked, looking to the young girl in front of him.

Anna nodded. "Definitely."

"Okay. I'll get your contract drawn up. You can go and introduce yourself to people," Richard said as he smiled.

Anna nodded again. She stood up and left the office.


Derek was standing with Meredith and Mark. Lexie walked over. "There's a new blonde. Named Anna. And she said it was interesting my name is Lexie Grey," she said.

SPARKS, Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now