005, 𝗠𝗮𝗺𝗮'𝘀 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗼𝘄𝗻

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Anna knew how she and Mark had been getting close. They had come close to sharing a kiss a couple of times. But someone had always stopped them.

She knew she had been warned against him. But she couldn't help it. She was beginning to crave him. She had been taught to not fall for the first guy who gave her a little bit of attention.

She knew her mother would kill her if she knew she had slept with Mark Sloan. She was rather fond of being alive.

Anna looked up as Isla walked in. She looked to her. "I may have done something. And I need you to not judge me," Isla said.


Isla flopped onto Ellie's bed. She looked to her. "I kissed Alex a blow job. And his wife has cancer. I'm a bitch," she mumbled.

"Isla Robbins!"

"I know. I know. But you literally have a thing for Sloan."

Anna shook her head. "Do not try to change the conversation young lady. What the fuck?"

Isla sighed. "I don't know what came over me. Izzie is a bitch. And I can't stand her. But I shouldn't have done it," she mumbled.

Anna rolled her eyes and sighed. "You have to be careful. He's a jerk."

"You think everyone is a jerk. You're supposed to be sunshine," Isla said with a shrug.

"Have you ever considered my virginity is growing back? And I'm just needing to get laid," Anna said as she looked to her.

Abby smirked. "Well Mark has a thing for you. Why not go there?" She asked as she took Anna's coffee and drank it.

Anna scoffed as she looked to her. "Do I look like I went to be killed? My mother will literally walk from L.A to murder me. Then she'll bring me back to clean the mess."

Isla smiled. "You and Addison are close?"

"Yeah. It's always been me and her since my dad left when I was two," Anna said. She sighed. "Derek stepped up. So if anything happened with Mark and I, it wouldn't be accepted so easily."


Anna and Isla were stood with the others. Each of them were waiting for Webber. Isla elbowed Anna in the stomach when Webber walked over. "I am happy to announce that the first solo surgery will take place tonight. A below the knee amputation, bone cancer. Mr Collinsworth in 2212," he told them.

Anna tilted her head and frowned. "No appy?"

Alex shrugged. "Saw action."

Webber looked between the residents and spoke. "Choosing who gets the first solo surgery isn't just about who has the best surgical skills. Or who's logged the most hours in the OR. It's about the highest form of trust. The trust to put a patients life into one of our residents hands. And for the first time that I can recall, every single attending picked the same person," he told them.

Anna knew she had talked Mark and Arizona into voting for her. She knew she was feeling confident.

Webber looked to them all. "Dr Yang."


"However, Dr Yang is out of the running. She is going to pick the winner instead," Webber told them. "Dr Yang will post her decision on the OR board at 4pm."

"And since nearly all the interns are banned from the ER, they will choose one of the interns not banned."


Anna walked along the corridor. She saw Mark who had a donut for her. "Hey. Do you want to scrub in on my surgery?" He asked.

"Pfft. No. Maybe ask someone else."

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