004, 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗦𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗻

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Anna reluctantly walked into Meredith's house with Cristina and Isla. Meredith had slightly warmed up to Anna when she realised she didn't care about the whole drama with Addison and Derek.

Cristina looked to her and smirked. "So. Have you realised McSteamy is hot?"

Anna rolled her eyes. She shrugged. "He's hot. But I'm not going there. My time isn't my own," she said as they walked up the stairs.

The two girls opened the door to Meredith and Derek's bedroom. Isla grinned. "Are you awake?" She asked.


"Liar. You're talking. Anyway, we have gossip for you," Anna said as she walked over and sat on the bed next to them.

Cristina dramatically threw herself onto the bed. "The wicked witch is dead," she said.

Meredith raised her eyebrows. "Metaphorically dead? Or dead dead?" She asked.

"Who are we talking about?" Derek asked with a hand covering his face.


Anna shrugged and smiled. "Her name is off the surgical board. And all of her surgeries have been cancelled," she told them.

"Hahn is gone."

"That's too bad. She was really talented," Derek said. He saw the look the three women were giving him. "You're not talking to me."

Anna shook her head. "Nope. Not today," she said as she smiled and pushed him out of the bed.

Derek stumbled out of bed. He heard the door knocking. Meredith looked to Anna, Isla and Cristina. "So, she just left? No warning, no official resignation. Nothing?"

Anna was about to speak when an unknown blonde ran in and threw herself onto the bed. "Death!"

"Oh my god! It's been-."

"Forever! You look like-."

"You look like-."

"Death!" Both Meredith and the unknown blonde said at the same time.

Anna blinked a couple of times before slowly climbing out of bed. "I'm gonna go... I need coffee before I deal with another Izzie."


"Apparently they went backpacking around Europe together or something," Anna said as she took Derek's coffee from him.

"Did you see the way she all but threw us out of the bed. Rude."

"Can't possibly imagine what that's like for you both," Derek said.

Anna turned to him with her eyebrows raised. "Oh dear. You'll be fine Shepherd," she said. She groaned. "How good of a friend could she be?"

"Good enough to kick all three of us out of bed," Derek mused.

Anna shrugged. "Technically I was dragged here by Isla. Mer is only nice to me cause of you," she said.

"That's not true."

"Wanna bet?"


Anna got to the hospital where she saw Mark. He walked over to her. "Hey. What's wrong with you?" He asked as he looked to her.

"Some secondhand Izzie threw me out of Mer's bed. Kinda annoyed me," Anna mumbled.

Mark smirked. He nodded and looked into her blue eyes. "Listen sunshine. You're the original. Don't let what you call second hand Stevens ruin your mojo. I also didn't know you were friends with Meredith?"

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