Chapter 8: Tsukishima Kei made an efforts for Y/n

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I stayed up late to make heart-shaped chocolates for Y/n, it's not easy at first, mom teach me how to bake, Aki-nichan laugh at me and tease me. After few hours of practicing , I got it eventually, I even wrote a letter after I baked, but I'm not satisfy by it so I crumbling the paper and tossed it to trashcan repeatedly, I'm stressed out not until I wrote a perfect letter for Y/n. I smiled, I immediately went to bed, I set an alarm so that I can woke up easily


I woke up as I heard the alarm, I'm so excited to give my gifts to Y/n, I did my morning routines first, I wear my uniform and I brush my hair

I woke up as I heard the alarm, I'm so excited to give my gifts to Y/n, I did my morning routines first, I wear my uniform and I brush my hair

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I don't know which one? But it looks the same alnd I don't have much time so this one will do

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I don't know which one? But it looks the same alnd I don't have much time so this one will do

I don't know which one? But it looks the same alnd I don't have much time so this one will do

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Argh, I immediately grabbed my things and went out of my room. I saw Aki-nichan looking at me and there's grin on his face so I frown little bit
"what?" I ask coldly
"Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh you're excited to see your beloved Y/n huh?" he jokingly replied
"cut it out, Aki-nichan" I ask coldly

He just laugh at me, I frown at him, I sit beside him and I eat my breakfast. After few moments I stand up.
"I'm done already" I said

I went to the fridge, took the chocolates and put it in my bag
"I'm leaving, see you later guys" I said

I wore my headset while walking as usual but with a smile on my face

I'm at the front of the gate, waiting for Y/n, after few minutes I saw Y/n and Kageyama walking to school together. I want to punch Kageyama right now because I'm jealous but I hold myself. Kageyama saw me
"oh I'll go ahead, I'm supposed to meet Hinata" Kageyama said

Kageyama turn his head to me
"my best friend gave you a second chance, don't waste it Tsukishima Kei" he said in his serious tone
"don't worry Kageyama I won't waste it" I said
"Good, if you break her heart again I will hunt you down, not just me, you knew who I'm talking about" he said seriously

I nodded, Kageyama walk away and there's awkward between us but after few seconds I broke the silence
"so uhh... I have something to give you Y/n" I said
"huh? What is it, Tsukki?" she ask

Damn! She sound sexy when she call my name
"wait" I said

I open my bag, took the chocolates out and I give it to her
"I made it for you Y/n" I said as I gave it to her
"oh you don't have to do this, Tsukki" she said
"but I want to" I said

But then I suddenly remember something, oh right, my letter for her, I almost forgot about it
"oh and there's more" I said
"what? There's more?" she ask shockingly

I bring out the letter and I give it to her
"don't read it now, you can read it later at your apartment" I said shyly

I look down, I heard her sweet and angelic giggle, I feel like I'm in heaven right now
"you're so cute when you're shy Tsukki" she said as she giggle
"uhmm... I'll take you to your classroom Y/n" I change the conversation
"Hahaha Okay" she said

I hold her hand as we walk to her classroom, all of her classmates were so surprised to see us holding hands
"what?" I ask them coldly
"don't be like that Tsukki" Y/n said
"yeah yeah, see you at the cafeteria Y/n" I said

I kiss her forehead before I go, it's early so I went out of the school to buy a bento for Y/n

Yamaguchi's and my classes is over so we went to the cafeteria and we saw a group of girls circling her, one of them pouring juice on Y/n. Now I'm mad, I approached them
"what the heck do you think you're doing? Why are you bullying my girlfriend huh?" I ask angrily

Everyone in the cafeteria were shocked including my teammates
"she stole you from me" the girl replied
"she stole me? Huh! She didn't steal me, I regret everything what I did to her before, that's why I lose her once? But now? I've change for her, whoever bully Y/n, I will do the same to those bully her, I promise to her I will protect her now" I said

I turn around to Y/n shocked also
"are you okay, BABE?" I ask

She nodded, I chuckles and I carry her like we're newlyweds couple
"next time you bully her again, you'll face the devil version of me" I said in my serious tone

I walk away with Y/n in my arm, we directly went to our locker room
"what are we doing here, Tsukki?" Y/n ask

I didn't answer, instead I open my gym bag, took my extra gym clothes and I give it to her
"get change, don't worry, I'll go outside so you can get change properly" I said
"thank you for earlier Tsukki" she said
"it was nothing, now get change, you might catch a cold, I don't want it" I said sweetly

She nodded and I walk out of the locker room, I close the door, I stand beside the door, guarding Y/n, someone might enter so yeah

After few minutes I suddenly blushing when I saw Y/n wearing my gym clothes, She's so tiny when she wearing my clothes
"wait a second, babe" I said
"b-babe?" she ask shuttering
"uhmm.. I mean Y/n" I said

I went behind her like hugging her, I roll the sleeves up so she can move her arms freely. She's so cute
"there... All done" I said

I hugging her so tight
"uhm.. Tsukki" she called
"sssshh don't talk, just enjoy this moment" I said

She didn't speak again so...

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