Chapter 16

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After the game

I'm worried about my boyfriend earlier because Ushijima broke his fingers and I'm so happy because our school won, I saw Yamaguchi run to Tsukki and hugged him. I'm jealous but I let it go for now. I'm with Akiteru nichan and Tanaka's sister outside, Daichi, Tsukki and others went outside. Tsukki run towards to me and hugged me so tight, he spin me around with him
"T-Tsukki? Let me go, I can't breath" I said

He stopped and put me down gently, he smile awkwardly.
"sorry babe I'm so happy but I'm so exhausted right now I'm sorry I can't take you home because we have to rest today" he said
"It's fine babe I can manage on my own, I'll be fine" I said as I smile

I look at my wristwatch and look at Tsukki again
"oh my gosh, I have to go home now babe, Tetsu-nichan is looking for me right now" I said

I kissed his cheeks before I said goodbye to him
"bye babe, congratulations to you and your team again babe I love you so much" I said

I run outside and waiting for Tetsu-nichan and his teammates to go home together

FAST FORWARD ( 10 years After)

I'm here at my room,  Yachi, Kiyoko san, Tanaka san's sister and my sister in law are helping me with my wedding gown... Yes it's my wedding day today. Tsukki did propose to me last month on his tournament. I thought it's just a simple tournament but Tsukki planned a surprised for me. Tsukki is now a pro volleyball player of Sendai Frogs MB volleyball division 2 and at the same time he work at the Sendai City Museum to support himself and he loves dinosaurs so much anyways
"You're so beautiful Y/n, we don't know if Kei deserve a girl like  you. He's so salty and rude to us before" Yachi said
"but he changed now, right? And besides he don't know how to express his feelings to us before? He just need help from others that's all" I said
"maybe you're right Y/n, remember Tsukishima got jealous? He look like an angry T-Rex that time" Kiyoko said
"oh yeah and he pull Y/n outside of the cafeteria to have a chance to talk with Y/n, all of students scared when he said no one can touch or hurt Y/n" Yachi said
"And he scared the poor bullies away from Y/n" Kiyoko said
"I've never know Kei is, sweet loving and caring person" Yachi said

They're still talking about me and Tsukki and laughing when there's an embarrassing moments of me or Tsukki while doing make up section on me
"Girls stop talking now, the wedding's start soon but the bride is still here, come on let's go hurry" my sister in law said

We run towards downstairs, we almost tripped downstairs because we don't have time, we just laugh at it. I ride on the car, the driver drove to the church Where's our wedding is? is I'm so excited but nervous

Y/n and I can't see each other almost 2 weeks because my mom said our wedding will not continue but we call each other time to time. I didn't enjoy the bachelor's party because her brother, Bokuto san, my old teammates planned something dirty, I told them that we can't invited women in but they didn't listen so I call  Kuroo's wife and I told her that there's women in our bachelor party and everything. Kuroo's wife came to the party and dragged Kuroo and others out of party. I just laugh that night.

BTR ( back to the reality)
I'm standing here at the altar waiting for my soon-to-be-wife went inside the church, I'm so nervous right now but Kuroo tapped my shoulder
"I know how you feel Tsukki? I've experienced that feeling last 3 years" he said
"please don't call me that tsk" I said

He just laugh at me and walk to the door to pick my soon-to-be-wife up, the doors went open and I saw my wife walking with Kuroo towards me. I can't stop being emotional right now, I'm so happy, meanwhile Y/n walking towards me, I can't take my eyes off her, she's so beautiful in her wedding gown

" do you Kei Tsukishima take Y/n Kuroo as your   beloved and lawfully wife?" the priest ask
"I do" I response without hesitation

"do you Y/n Kuroo take Kei Tsukishima as your----"
"I do" she interrupted the priest

Everyone laugh
"let me finish but nevermind~~~ kiss the bride" the priest said

I take off her veil and kiss her on the lips

The End

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