Chapter 14

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I was about to grab my bag but someone door belling so I walk to the door and I open it. I saw Tsukki
"hi babe" Tsukki greeted
"why are you here babe?" I ask
"what else? I'm here to pick you up and we can go to school together" he answer as he smile
"okay,  I'll just grab my bag and we go together" I said

He nodded, I grab my bag and lock the door before we go to school while holding hands

As we enter the school,all eyes on us, I felt uncomfortable right now but Tsukki hold my hand tightly and he smile at me to make sure that I feel secured and safe.
"don't mind them babe, they're just jealous of us" he said sweetly
"but Tsukki"

I didn't finished my sentences when Tsukki interrupted.
"sssshh no buts babe okay? I will take you to your classroom whether you like it or not? I want you to be unharmed" he said

I just nodded
"Good, now let's go or we'll be late to our classes" he said

He pull me and we run inside the building, one of the teachers scolded us not to run inside the building but Tsukki didn't care, we continue running. As we reach my classroom, we laugh while panting
"are you crazy Tsukki? You're so naughty, I didn't knew you have this personality" I said
"yeah even Yamaguchi didn't know" Tsukki said
"really?" I ask

He just nodded
"go inside now, I have to go, see you later at the cafeteria okay? I love you babe" he said as he kiss my forehead
"okay I love you too babe" I said

I wave my hand as Tsukki leave, I went inside the classroom. As I sit on my seat, a group of girls came to me and one of the mean girls pour juice on my hair
"hey what's your problem?!" I ask angrily
"oho oho the nerd's mad?" one of mean girls while smirk
" tsk what you're gonna do, huh?  tell Tsukishima? That's what you are? A leach" the leader said

Oh I forgot to give my gift to Y/n earlier so I run back to her classroom as fast as I can. As I reach to her classroom, I saw one of her classmates pour juice on her and call her a leach. That's it! I won't tolerate this anymore!
"hey what are you doing to my girlfriend huh?! You're not allowed to do things on my girlfriend! You're the one who's a leach here! Not Y/n"  I said angrily at the girl
"babe" Y/n said
"if you don't like her for me then I don't care about your st*pid feelings! She's the one I love, she's the one I want to be with in the future and she's the one I want in my life" I said as I look at Y/n and smile at her

I didn't let her finished her sentences
" no buts, girly, if anyone hurt my girlfriend without my permission, I will k*ll them all including you girls if you don't stop bothering her, understood?" I warn them

I saw them gulp the teacher came in, Y/n's classmates hurried sat on their seats
"what are you doing here mr. Tsukishima?" the teacher ask
"oh sorry miss, Y/n's uniform is wet, can she excuse for now? She need to change her uniform, she might catch a cold" I said
"of course but what happened?" the teacher ask
"oh go ask that girl * point at one of mean girls*"  I answer

I took off my jacket and put it on Y/n's body to make sure no one see her sleeveless T-shirt in her uniform
"come babe you need to change your uniform now" I said as I pull her outside of the classroom
"babe?" she called
" yes?" I answer
" you can let go now, I can walk" she said

So I let her go

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