Chapter 12

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I'm here at the rooftop, admiring the view but when the door open, I was shocked when I saw Tsukki
"Tsukki? what are you doing here?" I ask
"oh I ask Yamaguchi where were you? So I'm here" he replied
"Okay what do you want from me? Is there some reason that you're looking for me?" I ask
"oh yeah I want to ask you to have date with me later, my treat of course, if you want" Tsukki replied
"of course I love to" I said
"really? you can't take it back, right? You said yes" he said

I just giggle before I nodded
"yes" I said

Tsukki run towards me, carry me and spin around
"Hahaha Tsukki stop, I'm dizzy" I said

He listen to me, he stop, he put me down
"oh I'm sorry" he said
"oh no it's okay Tsukki" I said as I smile
"I'll wait for you at the front of your classroom okay?" he said
"but you have a practice later, right?" I ask
"don't worry about it, I told coach and Takeda sensei that I'm not going to practice later because I have urgent event that I need to attended to" he replied
"ssshhh no buts babe okay? I'll practice tomorrow twice than other don't worry about it" he said as he smile

I'm worried about him honestly
"Okay if you insisted" I said

He walk me to my classroom, he was almost late for his class. after our classes, I went out and saw Tsuki leaning against the side of the door
"hi babe, let's go?" he asked

I nodded
"oh before I forget" he said

He was digging something in his bag
"chocolates and flowers for the beautiful lady that I love the most in entire world" he said

He gave it to me
"thank you Tsukki, you're so sweet" I said

He took my bag, he said he was the one to carry my bag today

We are now at the restaurant that Tsukki reserved for the two of us, the waitress approached us
"table for two?" the waitress asked
"is it obvious?" Tsukki whispered
"Tsukki! Sorry for what my boyfriend said, he's salty, yes table for two" I said
"right this way" said the waitress

As we followed the waitress, I pinched Tsukki's side
"Don't be salty now please Tsukki" I said
"I'll try my best for you" he said

We are in the VIP section of the restaurant, Tsukki made me sit on the chair before he sat on his chair
"I'm going to order before we leave school so if you want anything else, just say okay?" he said
"but Tsukki, isn't this restaurant expensive? It's okay for me to eat at a ramen restaurant" I said
"I told you, my treat okay? Don't worry about it, my love" he said
"are you sure? I can pay" I said

He smiled at me
"oh look stars" he said

He pointed to the sky, I looked at the sky
"It's beautiful" I said
"they said, there are shooting stars tonight" he said
"really?"  I ask

He nodded and smiled, his smile is so genuine and beautiful

Haikyuu Series: Ignore my salty middle blocker crushWhere stories live. Discover now