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-Ta da! Here's some Jimmy PoV for you! Enjoy!-

Jimmy was... worried, to say the least. Sco- Smajor, was acting strange. Well, stranger than usual. He had to admit that the ruler of Rivendell scared him just a little bit, but there was also something about the elf that made Jimmy gravitate towards him. Sure, he had never been in a conversation with the other emperor for longer than ten minutes, but it wasn't for lack of trying! The necklace Smajor had been wearing creeped him out, it just felt wrong, like it didn't quite belong in this world. If the other ruler wanted to be all cold and distant, then Jimmy would just have to ignore him in return.

I should probably visit Lizzie.

His mind made up, he set off towards the ocean empire, trying to forget about certain cyan haired elf.


As he submerged himself in the salty brine of the ocean, he breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't quite as relaxing as a nice mud bath, but it did help to take his mind off of his worries. Flicking his tail, he propelled himself towards Lizzie's empire. He glanced up, noticing that his sister's lilly pads were coming into view. He sighed, sad to be leaving the water so soon, and kicked towards the surface. His head burst above the surface and his lungs struggled to adjust, a pink haired woman stood on one of the larger lily pads. She started when he pulled himself up next to her.


She pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. He yelped slightly and she released him.

"Sorry, sorry, welcome, I'm so glad you decided to visit."

Jimmy pouted, "come on, stop being all formal."

She punched him in the arm and he chuckled.

"Let's go inside, the axolotls missed you!"

Jimmy perked up at the mention of the small creatures.

"Have they still been talking to you?"

Lizzie nodded, "They've started giving warnings about the corruption, I can't decipher all of the messages because they love to be cryptic"

"The cod have been similar," Jimmy paused, "and, um, I kinda went to visit Rivendell?"

Lizzie tensed, "did he threaten you? Hurt you? Do I need to start planning murder?"

Jimmy chuckled nervously, knowing she was dead serious.

"No, he was weird, but not too hostile."

"I don't like him," His sister growled.

"I know, but I can't help being worried about him, he doesn't really talk to many people and his council gives me the creeps"

Lizzie sighed, " well I don't think that he's worth your time, but that hasn't stopped you in the past."

They were now entering the axolotl's enclosure in the Prisma palace. The small creatures swam over and began to swim excitedly around Lizzie and Jimmy. A pink and white one was currently trying to make a nest out of Lizzie's hair.

They played with the axolotls underwater for a while, but Jimmy knew that eventually he would have to return to his empire and responsibilities. It was fun to pretend to be normal for a while though.


When he arrived back at the Cod Empire, he greeted his subjects before heading to start his paperwork.

Ugh paperwork is probably the single worst thing in the universe, except for salmon, salmon are abominations.

He did notice that the swamp was slightly colder than usual, which was odd for this time of year, but Jimmy was too tired to care.

He curled up in the mud when he was done and slowly drifted off to sleep.

His dream was strange, he was in what looked like a throne room, red corruption was crawling all over the walls. A shadowy figure was sprawled across the throne, it had glowing red eyes that seemed to be looking right through Jimmy. Someone was kneeling at the foot of the throne, the red vines almost seemed to be underneath their skin. Jimmy shivered, he didn't realize he had made any sound, but the thing on the throne finally noticed him. It made an awful noise he would later realize must have been a laugh, and suddenly he was back in the Cod Empire, wide awake.

That was terrifying, I'll talk to Lizzie about that when I visit her next, but there's no reason to bother her so soon after our last meeting.

Jimmy eventually fell into a dreamless sleep.

As the Codfather slept, crimson vines began to spread through the swamp, they were growing stronger, soon they would be nearly unstoppable. 

-This fic is so fun to write and I hope to update once or twice a week but that might change over the summer because I will be busy. I have no idea how long this fic will be.Thank you so much for reading this far, you are amazing and I hope you have a great day!-

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