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-TW mild (and I mean like one word) swearing and altered mental states. Enjoy!-

Scott was so done. His council was getting on his nerves, he had half a mind to fire the lot of them.

No, no those are dangerous thoughts, you could be punished.

He collapsed onto his bed.

And now my brother has returned from the dead.

Scott frowned, sitting up.

What could he want with me?

He rose, sighing. He grabbed his cloak, stepping out into the balcony and spreading his wings. Scott flew to a large blue, white, and gold building. As he stepped into the church, a feeling of calm washed over him. He walked over to the altar and knelt.

Aeor, thank you.

No problem, my champion. What seems to be the problem?

Oh nothing much, my brother, who I thought was dead, is apparently alive and a demon!

Aeor fell silent.

Something is wrong, my champion. You must remove the necklace before it is too late, Exor-

Suddenly, Scott felt a new presence in the church. Aeor's voice seemed to quiet, He faintly heard the god trying to warn Scott of something. He whirled around.

"Hello, brother dearest."

"What are you doing here."

"Visiting you."

Scott rolled his eyes.

"Oh is that all."

Xornoth was getting closer, Scott took a step backwards bumping into the altar.

"No actually, I had an offer for you."

"Oh yeah, what, you gonna trap me in a crystal or something, torture me?"

Xornoth had the audacity to look offended, as if that was the last thing on his mind.

"No, no, no, you could not be further from the truth, I simply want to give you a chance to J̴̟̀̑o̵̪͊i̵͚̘̽͜ṋ̷̈́́̇ ̷̧͒̅m̶̜̗͔̓e̵̥͆̑͆ͅ."

"Now why would I do that, in case you haven't heard, I am Aeor's champion, it's going to take more than that pathetic attempt to corrupt me."

The longer Xornoth was there, the more the necklace seemed to heat up, Aeor had been trying to warn Scott about something, but he couldn't quite remember what. Xornoth smiled and began walking closer. Scott couldn't move.

"Why brother, you already put the necklace on."


The demon gave a sinister grin.

"Who do you think left you the gift, besides, I only want what's best for you."

Scott's head felt fuzzy, Aeor's voice had faded into a soft buzzing noise. Xornoth was right in front of him now. Strangely, he wasn't scared, in fact, the demon's presence now felt comforting. Scot felt something on his arm. He glanced down and noticed that the corruption had begun to crawl up his arms.

"You look tired, why don't you take a nap?"

Scott's eyes felt heavy. Xornoth pulled him into an embrace, carding through Scott's hair. He relaxed into the touch.

"Sleep now brother, they can't hurt you any more."

He slipped into unconsciousness.


-Jimmy POV-

Nononononono! We better not be too late!

Jimmy landed near the church of Aeor. Most of the corruption now seemed to be concentrated in that area.


He paused long enough for Lizzie and Lady Kathrine to catch up.

"Come on, we need to hurry!"

His sister was already panting for breath, wasting no time, Jimmy sprinted to the doors, beginning to rip the vines down. The empresses soon joined him, together, they made quick work of the corruption. Throwing the doors open, they ran inside. The entirety of the church was crawling with red vines, Xornoth stood in the center of it all, holding an unconscious Scott in his arms.

"NO!" Jimmy screamed.

The demon smiled, waving goodbye before the corruption swallowed them both. Jimmy ran over and began pulling at the vines where they disappeared, but to no avail. He felt a tear slip down his face, he must have been more upset than he thought. Jimmy felt Lizzie kneel next to him and pull him into a hug. He sobbed quietly for a while, his sister rubbing circles on his back. Lady Kathrine stood a distance away, silently watching. After about ten minutes, Jimmy rose, wiping away the last of his tears.

"We need to find him, and we need to make sure no one else gets taken."

Lizzie and Lady Kathrine exchanged concerned looks.

"Will you be okay?"

"Yeah," Jimmy took a calming breath, "I'll be fine."

His sister didn't look convinced, but she dropped the subject.

"Let's go to Gem, she might know what to do."

The two women nodded, spreading their elytras. As they took off into the sky, Jimmy glanced back at the church, now overrun with corruption.

We're going to find you Scott, and that demon is going to have hell to pay.

Elsewhere, a champion was turned, and brothers were reunited. The server would be forever changed, though not for the better.

-Hehehehehe~ FINALLY! THE CLIMAX! Well, sort of, the real climax will come soon enough. Please leave constructive criticism and any trigger warnings that I missed in the comments, but please, no hate. Thank you so much for reading. Love you all! See you next time!- 

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