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-TW possessive behavior, altered mental states-

Xornoth felt a swell of possessiveness as he gazed down at his brother's sleeping form. He shifted, causing the younger to stir. Crimson eyes blinked open. Scott's gaze was hazy and unfocused, and he looked up at Xornoth with slight confusion.

"Go back to sleep."

They began running their fingers through his hair. Their brother leaned into the touch, slipping back into sleep. Red vines wove around Scott's head, forming a twisted crown, Xornoth smiled in satisfaction.


They will be after you now, my champion.

We will be ready for them.

They glanced down at Scott.

I will ensure that he has no nightmares.

Xornoth relaxed slightly.

Thank you my lord, he will be a valuable asset.

Exor's voice faded to background noise, a comforting hum at the back of his mind. Once his brother woke, he would be able to hear the god as well.

"Welcome back brother, we're going to have so much fun with the other rulers."


Lizzie POV

They arrived at crystal cliffs, landing in one of the towers. A young girl ran up to them.

"Hi! Welcome to Crystal Cliffs! How can I help you?"

Jimmy stepped forwards. If she had to be honest, Lizzie was more than a little bit concerned for her brother.

"We wish to speak to wizard Gem."

Lizzie had never seen him so serious, and it was kind of freaking her out.

"R-right, follow me."

The girl led them to Gem's study, knocking on the door.

"Come in!"

A voice called from within the room.

They pushed the door open and stepped into the study. To say it was a mess would be an understatement, it looked like a hurricane had swept through, leaving assorted papers scattered all over the floor and desk. A wizard with bright orange hair sat behind the desk, seemingly studying a large tome.

"Oh! Ocean queen, codfather, lady katherine! What are you doing here?"

"Scott has been kidnapped by the demon."

Straight to the point I see, Jimmy must be really upset.

Gem's expression darkened.

"How did this happen."

She gestured for them to sit.

Jimmy explained everything that they had seen and his own experiences. Gem's expression got more and more worried. She got up and began pacing.

"This could be very bad, soooo very bad. We need to find Smajor immediately."

She walked over to one of the bookshelves, pulling down a large book.

"I think I have a tracking spell in here," Gem glanced at the three of them, "Do any of you have anything of value to him, or that he owned previously?"

Jimmy pulled out a red flower, blushing slightly.

"Um, I think I have a poppy from his empire, will that work?"

Gem snatched the flower, examining it.

"This should work, though it would have been better if he had given it to you himself."

She grabbed several items from the shelves, spreading them out on the desk and placing the poppy at the center. She muttered words in another language, tossing some sort of powder over the assorted items. Gem pulled out her staff, and striking it against the floor, caused the poppy and other items to turn to dust. A small cloud of glowing particles rose from the ashes, swirling around Gem. Lizzie shuddered slightly, she didn't really like wizard magic, it freaked her out a bit.

This is for Jimmy, oh and Smajor as well I guess, but mostly for Jimmy's peace of mind.

In all honesty, Lizzie didn't quite know what to think about Smajor, she knew that he and Jimmy were allies (koff koff), and that he had some sort of relation to the demon, but she didn't trust him.

As long as he doesn't hurt my brother.

Gem clapped her hands together.

"Right, let's go! We have an elf to find!"


Xornoth POV

They are getting closer, I hope you are ready my champion.

Ready as I'll ever be.

There had been some confusion when he had originally introduced Scott to his other allies, but he had quickly fixed that. Sausage stood to his left, and Joey was to his right. His brother was right by his side, his eyes a deep crimson with hints of purple.

"Scott, you should head to your room before they get here, I don't want you to get hurt."

HIs brother nodded, but he looked like he wanted to say something more.

"If you have something you want to say, please say it, you don't have to hide your thoughts any more."

Sounding almost nervous, Scott finally spoke.

"I, um, wanted to ask if you could spare Jimmy, he- I owe him, and it wouldn't feel right."

Xornoth wasn't an idiot, they saw the way their brother blushed slightly whenever he talked about the Codfather. They really wanted to say no, but looking at the hopeful expression on Scott's face, they knew that they couldn't do that to him.


They lived for the way Scott's face lit up, he gave a muttered thank you, bowed, and rushed off to his room.

That fish doesn't deserve my brother, but if it makes Scott happy, I suppose I can tolerate it. For now.

At least until he could figure out how to completely erase the other rulers from his brother's memory.

The feeling of a hand on his arm brought him back to reality. Joey was giving him a concerned look.

"Are you okay Xorny?"

"Yes, I'll be even better when we deal with these rats."

Joey brightened a bit.

"Oh, okay, remember I'm always here if you want to talk."

Xornoth gave him a grateful smile.

If anyone ever tries to take Scott or Joey away from me, I will make them pay.

A banging noise could be heard at the door. Xornoth stood, both Sausage and Joey readied their weapons.

"Well now, why don't we go and greet our guests."


-THE VILLAIN ARC IS HERE! (Don't worry, even corrupted he is still very sweet, though that may change) Corrupted Jimmy? Yes or no? Well, happy reading! I am so glad that people are enjoying this, please leave constructive criticism in the comments. I am thinking of writing a watcher Xisuma AU next, but I'm not sure. Have a great day/night!-

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