--One year later--
--September 21st--It was hard to believe a year had past by, but it did. Harry? Was still struggled with Cancer, but stop letting it control his life. So, he took treatment, but it seemed to only keep the cancer form spreading, at this rate? Harry could live years. Harry couldn't think about the times he had left. Harry choice to do the best things he could for his family and that was stand on their own two feet.
So? Harry found himself an office job, working eight to ten hours each workday. Draco? Worked part time, because his mental state was still in recovery. Twenty hours a week, was about the most he could do right now. Harry didn't mind and really didn't think Draco should work, but their Family therapist suggested it. Draco did seem to be doing better since working part time, so, Harry agreed to leave it be.
Harry, Draco and the two children, 12 month old Willow and 2 year old Phoenix lived in a two bedroom apartment in town. The two babies shared a room. Phoenix now in his big boy twin bed and Willow still in her crib, but they were still very close to one another. The last couple of weeks, Willow would fuss until she was laid down in her big brother's bed, were they snuggled all night long. It made Harry think it was time to start looking into a toddler bed for Willow, but he just wasn't sure yet.
Today was a big day for them. It was Willows birthday. A comfortable autumn day. A prefect day for them to gather at the park to celebrate her birthday.
Harry yawned waking up, alone in bed. Draco was already up with the children. Breakfast was long over by the time Harry slowly walked in. He was having a sicky day and wasn't feeling great at all. So he eased to sit on the couch. "Dada." Willow fussed form her playpen. She was sitting on her bottom in it, by herself, and wanted Harry now that she seen him. Harry gave her a light smile and slowly got back up. He walked over to the playpen and picked her up, her little blanket falling back inside the playpen. She held tightly to his shirt as he walked back over to the couch.
She was put in his lap and Harry gave her blonde hair a kiss. She giggled and relaxed against his belly, safe and comfortable on his lap.Draco soon came back into the living room, holding the hand of phoenix, who was dressed for the day. A little dress suit and tie. He smiled and hurried to Harry. "Daddy!" Phoenix said, getting pulled on the couch. "Harry, you're looking unwell. Maybe you should get back in bed, at least it'll we have to leave." Draco said, walking over. "I'll be okay, really." Harry said, locking his arm around his two year old, Phoenix, who smiled at Harry. Draco then picked up Willow. "Just relax then. I'll get the children ready to go. Everybody responded to the invitations, so we will have a very full area." Draco said and Harry smiled. "I'm glad. The children have missed their cousins." Harry said. "They do, but...I like having our own place, really, I do." Draco said, giving Harry a light smile. "Good, so do I." Harry said.
Harry wasn't feeling any better come time to leave, but Draco still didn't drive and didn't feel comfortable with driving, so it left Harry the driver. So, he slowly grabbed the car keys and they headed for the car. Harry put Willow in her still infant car seat and Draco put Phoenix in his toddler seat, both still facing backwards. They made sure the children were strapped safely into the car seats, before the back doors were shut to the car and the pair climbed in the front seat. Draco taking the passenger seat and Harry the driver's. They both buckled up and Harry put the key in the ignition. "Harry?" Draco asked softly, getting a light smile. "I'm okay, I promise." Harry said. "Over the months, I have learn the signs of you having a rough day. Today, is one of them." Draco pointed out. "I'm not missing my daughter birthday." Harry said, starting the car. "I'm not asking you to. I'm asking you, when we get there, take it easy. I can handle it. The last thing you need is to get a cold, or something worse." Draco said and Harry let out a sigh. "Very well, love." Harry said.
Harry sat on the bench, reading a book when he felt the tap on his shoulder and smiled lightly. Ginny held her daughter, a girl of almost 13 months old, on her hip. Eleanor was pretty in pink, a little sweater on. Eleanor reached out for Harry who gladly took the baby in her arms and was join sitting at the bench. It wouldn't take but a minute for Ryan to dropped beside her. "Molly wrote you two moved out?" Harry asked, as his fingers for played with by the baby on his lap. "Yeah. A cute little farm house out in the country. Peaceful. Could I get you to babysit? I have a doctor's appointment Monday, and Ryan's got a day surgery." She said. "I'm sure we can work it out, but is everything alright?" Harry asked. "Yes, it's just conformation. Eleanor, is going to be a big sister." She said and Harry smiled. "Congratulations. Yeah, well keep her the day." Harry said. "Thank you." Ginny said, and walked away. Leaving Eleanor in the care of her god father.
Hermione Weasley soon walked over. There was no hiding her pregnancy either. Hermione was a bit over 14 weeks along with her Frist child. A bit earlier then planned, but her and Ron were getting ready for their next chapter.
She joined the bench and Harry gave her a light hug. "How's the new place?" Harry asked. "It's good. A bit nosey so we are likely to move when the lease is up, but otherwise it's good. How are you guys holding up?" Hermione asked. "We are well. The children are growing and Draco is almost back to his normal self. I couldn't be more thankful, really." Harry said. "I'm gald, really. I was told to come get you. The cake is about to be out." She said. "Coming." Harry said.--
Willow had a very good day and evening spending time with her family members. She was fussy when everybody started to leave so Harry stood holding the fussy girl, giving her a light rock to try and sooth the girl. Draco placed a kiss on his cheek. "Come on, let's get home." Draco said. "Let me try and-" Harry started to say. "She'll just start fussing again, so let's go ahead and head home, and take care of her there." Draco said. "Alright, love." Draco said.
Harry pulled the blanket over the two kids. Willow was snuggled close to Phoenix, who held his baby sister close. "Daddy?" Phoenix asked. "Yes, sweet boy?" Harry asked. "Miss grandma." He said. "We will talk about you going and spending the night, alright big boy?" Harry said. "Okay, daddy." He yawned and Harry gave them both a big kiss on the fore head.-
Harry climbed into bed with his partner and Harry wiggled close to Draco. Draco smiled, placing a kiss on his partner head and held him close. "I love you, Harry." Draco said. "I love you too, Draco." Harry replied back.
A Blended Family
Hayran KurguYou guys will know this story subject line of Limited time. Of course there will be some Major changes! This is a Drarry story.