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--Six Months Later--
--March 21st--

Like any other morning, Draco stood making breakfast that weekday morning. His two children running, or trying, around their apartment. Their boy was two and half and their daughter was one and half. Both of their children loved one another and kept very close. Willow even had her own big girl bed, but still wouldn't sleep until she was nuzzled to her big brother in bed. So, the pair long gave up.

They still lived in their two bedroom apartment. They really didn't see it worth moving until the decided to expand their family, but currently? The main focus was on Harry's health and raising their toddlers. A little bit of focus was still Draco's mental health, but he had since came a long way. He was able to work full time now. A lot of it was because he had to. Harry couldn't handle working full time with his new treatment. Harry was now the part-time worker and tried picking up more of the house work, but there were times Harry would lay in bed. Draco never once made Harry fell any kind of way. It wasn't Harry's fault he was sick. Draco just wanted to do whatever he could to make it easier on Harry. Something Harry laying in bed all day under the warms (or cold) blankets was what Harry needed.
Draco finally heard the shower, that meant Harry was getting up for his day. So, Draco called his children for breakfast. He put the two toddlers in their highchairs and sat down their plates before he went to check on Harry.

Harry's next set of sleep attire laid on the bed, indicating Harry felt awful. Draco slowly opened their bathroom door, offset to their bedroom. "Love?" Draco said softly, frowning. No steam, Harry was taking a cold shower other sign, Harry felt awful. Draco just went to grab Harry's clothes and come back into the bathroom. After a couple more minutes Draco reach into the shower and turned off the water as Harry sat in the shower. "Come on, love. I got your clothes. Let's get you back into bed." Draco said softly.
Harry rolled into his side in the bed as Draco pulled the blanket up over his shoulder. "Did you call work?" Draco asked, getting a small nod. "Okay. I'll come check on you on my lunch, promise me you'll stay in bed?" Draco said, getting another light nod. Draco gave him a big kiss on the forehead before going back to his toddlers.


Draco just finished buckling them into their toddler seat. Both still rear facing and tucked their blankets around them. "My legs are all Smashy!" Phoenix complained, like every morning for a while. "Daddy said not until you are three, buddy. Daddy wants you safe." Draco said, tucking the blanket better around phoenix as the March morning was rather chilly still. "I'm not that little anymore!" He fussed. "You are going to be okay. Stop fussing." Draco said, and he left to drop the toddlers off at daycare and then head to work.


Draco unlocked the door to their apartment on his lunch break, so he could check on Harry. Of course, Harry was still asleep when Draco opened the bedroom door. Harry's asleep not the best, because he still felt awful and vomit partly filled the trashcan. Harry felt the kiss to his forehead, but really didn't want to engage. He just wanted to sleep and hope this wave of sleeping will take away the sickness. Draco just pulled the blanket up over his shoulder and turned the lamp back off.
Draco had himself a little lunch, before he went back to the office. "Hey, Draco. How's Harry?" Said a friend he has made at the office. "Still in bed. If it doesn't change by tomorrow, I'll give his doctor a call. I'm sure he'll be alright, just need rest. Are you sure you don't mind staying till six?" Draco asked. "I'm sure, promise." She said and Draco gave her a light smile.


Harry finally stumbled out of the bedroom close to dinner time. The mild discomfort in his stomach form lack of eating, was finally there. He didn't feel so sick, like he would vomit, but still felt weak. So a slow walk down their hallway and he dropped on the couch. "Daddy!" Willow and Phoenix said, coming up on the couch beside him. Harry smiled getting a double hug by his toddlers as Draco put a pause on dinner and walked into the living room. "I was hoping you'd wake up soon, however, you don't feel up for a trip do you?" Draco asked. "Not so much, but what's up?" Harry said, as Willow wiggled to sit in his lap and Phoenix went off to play. "Hermione was admitted this morning. Mum's been with her since about noon. She knows you don't feel great today. She stresses you don't have to come, but I know you." Draco said. "Let's eat...It should help me feel a bit better and of course I am going to want to go see her and the baby." Harry said. "I know. Just relax, alright? The television remote?" Draco asked. "Yes, thank you." Harry said.


After a bit of television as the four of them set down for dinner, Harry did feel a bit better. He wasn't sure if the trip to the hospital was the smartest idea, but he wouldn't miss the day their second god daughter was born. He wanted to be there for his best friend so Draco got the children ready to leave and Harry got dressed. Harry also glaced over at the mirror, getting even more reminded of how sick he was looking. The port was still in his chest, but often times not having to be used. Harry still had the scara form surgeries and he just looked very boney, because he was. Harry weight was the hardest because he couldn't eat much sometimes.
Once Harry finished getting dressed, he shut the door behind him to the bedroom and joined Draco and the kids in the living room, were they then headed to car after Draco locked the door to thet apartment.
Draco drove, because Harry still felt pretty bad as he watched the world go by as the CD for the children played low in the back. "Mum says her parents haven't even picked up. Well, her father won't allow it. Mrs. Granger as been around a time or two." Draco said. "It's him that has such a problem with it. Sometimes I don't understand how a man could make his wife choose between him and their child." Harry said. "He has no love for either then." Draco said softly. "I'm sorry, love. I don't-" Harry started. "It doesn't bother me non, anymore. My mum is happy, that is all that matters." Draco smiled lightly. "She is happy, I suppose you are right." Harry said, as their drive to the hospital came to an end.


They had to wait about an hour before Ron finally came to find them. The toddlers hurrying over to Ron. He smiled and got his hug as Draco and Harry made their way over. "Everything alright?" Harry asked. "Yes. She was very close to being born, so it was advised to just wait. I can take you back now." Ron said.


After everybody got their turned with the new newborn girl, Draco knew it was time to take Harry back home who half fell asleep in the car. Draco let him sleep a bit as he got the children settled into bed and went back to get Harry out of the car. Harry mumbled something, but Draco just smiled lightly and got Harry into bed who yawned and rolled back over in the bed.


After Draco made sure the children went to sleep, he took himself a quick shower and climbed into bed beside his partner, Harry, who was back into a deep sleep, hoping tomorrow will be better.

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