Fifthteen: Oh dear God

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I'm awoken by the feeling that someone's in my room I look around and see nothing I look at the time and it's six am I groan and try to sleep but I still have that feeling.
I look sprung again this time seeing a shadow I sniff and it's a wolf from.
Wait a minute it's Jessica. What the hecks she doing here.
"Jessica?" I whisper
"Yes it's me I need to discuss pack issues please"
"Ok let me get some clothes on"
"Is that your mate"
I look at Cody and smile "yes"
I get out of the bed careful not to wake him and put on pj pants and a tank top.
I walk down the stairs careful to be quite and lead Jessica Into my office. I close the doors behind us.
"Well what do you want to discus"
She shuffles her feet and brushes a hair behind her ear.
"Well do you know anything about the newborns everywhere and the purple haired chick."
I growl "yes I do the newborns and the kids she changed and she's the leader she runs a vampire camp outside my territory. She wants to kill every wolf or make them her slaves she already attacked us once."
"Wow that's wow really"
"Yes she's demented and full of hatred"
"Sounds right she's been dancing around the edges of our territory laughing and she has marks on her face that look like there gonna scar."
I laugh "those marks would be from me we fought and I bit both sides of her face and her ears I was knocked off when I was about to finish her off then she disappeared"
"Good for you so I'll tell my mom to watch out for her and we'll keep our patrols strong"
"I have her plans to I'll make you a copy"
"Your welcome"
I run her a copy of the plans and give them to her I walk her to the door.
"I'll give you a call if I get another update"
"Ok" she says while smiling and giving me a hug
"Give your mother my best" I call out after her then I shut the door
I climb the stairs check the time it six thirty I can sleep some more.
I crawl back into bed and snuggle into Codys warm body he groans and pulls me close Into him.
I sigh and fall asleep again snuggled into his arms.
I'm in my office looking over violets plans the first attack on us wasn't the last and we're not the only pack marked all the ones in the areas around us are marked. Running free Jessica's moms pack moonbath pack which is mine me and Jessica's are the only girl alphas.
Next is the three that are run by guys around us blood moon run by Jacob striking.
Lightstone run by Alex River.
Last is flowing stream run by Christopher nobody's knows his last name.
I've got to find a way to warn them but I don't want to leave my pack.
I look up from my work and look at cody who's watching me intently. He smirks and I laugh.
"You look beautiful when you laugh"
I blush "thanks"
"Your welcome but your always beautiful"
I roll my eyes "what ever"
He just laughs knowing I'll argue over it forever.
I look back down and I can't figure this out but lightstone is the pack she plans to take out first but why would she attack is and make herself know to us.
"I think I might have an idea"
"What" I ask Cody
"Well have you ever noticed how behind all her anger there's something that looks like love I think she loved a wolf and everything went wrong. So maybe it was someone in Alex rivers pack."
"That sounds right I'll have to check it out"
I stand up to leave and he looks at me
"What I'm the alpha I have to and you stay here and take care if our pack"
He smiles and kisses me hard and passionate I laugh when he pulls apart.
"Be safe" he whispers in my ear while nibbling my ear
I laugh " I will"
I go outside into the woods and strip down I shift and pick my clothes up in my mouth.
I take off running making my journey into lighstone Territory.
I shift back when I reach the edge and put my clothes on. Then I step into their territory.
I walk toward where I know their pack house is but before I can get there I'm stopped by a patrol.
I'd smelt them a while back and now there behind me. I feel strong arms grab my wrist from behind.
"What do we have here"
"Let's play with her"
"I'd like to let you know I'm the alpha of moonbath pack my mate would kill you if you touched me and I'm here to see Alpha River"
I'm immediately let go.
"Sorry Alpha Hope"
"Yea sorry alpha hope I didn't remember you"
"Well you better next time or I'll have you both made rouges"
"Yes ma'am" they both say at the same time.
They lead me to the pack house and to Alex's office.
I pat my pocket where violets plans and picture are tucked safely away.
I knock in the door and a deep voice says come in.
I walk inside and shiver if I hadn't found my mate Alex's would have been good for me he's always been attractive ok that's an understatement he's smoking hot with his longish shaggy black hair he brushes to the side and the stubble along his jaw he never shaves completely. His piercing brown eyes that are close to black.
Mm he looks good and oh dear God don't get me started on what's in his pants of course that was before Cody and we just messed around we were horny and we never had sex because we were both young enough to have mates out there for us I think if we'd have been older we might have become mates but we didn't and I'm glad I did cause he could never make me feel like Cody sure it was fun but oh god the way Cody makes me feel MMMM words can't explain that feeling.
Alex looks up and smiles "hello Lilly what beings you here?"
"I'm here to see if you know this girl"
I pull violets picture out and hand it to him. He gasps and I know he does.
"She was my mate she was once part of my pack she came after me and you stopped messing around and not long after she came she was beautiful been part of this pack since she was young but when she turned eighteen I was out and we met the moment our eyes locked I knew she was it and we got together I soon marked her and later on we became full mates."
He pauses and his eyes glaze over he takes a deep breath then resumes
"But then I don't know what happened she lost contact with her wolf and we lost our sparks then I found out she was sleeping with my beta, my son, and many others in the pack. I banished her with a heavy heart because just because our sparks were gone didn't mean I loved her less. I haven't seen her since but she swore she'd get her revenge."
"Wow I didn't expect that. I'm sorry that's awful and I hate to tell you this but she's planning on attacking the surrounding packs including mine and yours but she has yours marked first I pull out the plans and show him."
"Well why and how is she doing this"
"What happened between you and her has made her hate all wolfs and she's a vampire now and she has a newborn army. I think out best chance is going to be to get our lacks together and fight her when she attacks here I can get running free to help to I don't think we need to involve anybody else yet not if we can take her out here."
"Your right that's probably the best we can do we can all gather here the day before she attacks but I don't think I can bring myself to kill her" he looks at me with tears in his eyes.
"As much I as I ante to tell you this I will be able to I'll have no problem with it chairidy has a very strong hatred toward her and once in wolf form there will be nothing stoping her from killing her and you know how gentle chairidy usually is"
"Yes i do and you do what you have to she needs to be gone. So on a lighter note how'd your search for a mate go"
I laugh "I didn't search he found me and he's great"
"that's good I'm glad you found yours"
"Well I better be getting back"
He stands and gives me a hug "don't be a stranger ok no matter what are last we'll always be friends"
I nod and "whisper always"
He laughs and I leave I put my stuff in my pocket when I reach the end of the territory I strip and make the rest of my journey home as a wolf.
I reach the edge of the woods surrounding the house and shift putting my clothes back on.
I walk inside and go straight to my office I'm tired and wanna curl up in Codys arms but I gotta call Jessica.
I dial her number and she picks up on the second ring.
"Hey Jessica it's Lilly violet plans to attack lightstone pack first and I just got back from talking with alpha River and we want to try to take her out before involve any of the other packs when she attacks his pack so the day before she plans to attack can you bring some wolfs and help us fight her"
"Of course I would Lilly you know I will especially if it helps save not just my pack but all the packs I'll be there"
"Thanks" I hang up and climb the stairs to my room Codys not in the bed and I wonder where he is.
I get in the shower and scrub my body the hot water soothing on my tires body.
I get out and dry off the slip into a pair of Codys boxers and his t shirt.
I come out of the bathroom and Codys still not in the bed. I groan and walk next door to clarks room.
I knock and he yells come in. He has Gracie in his lap and she looks nervous and I laugh inside I've been noticing they've been closer.
"Hey have you seen cody"
"Not since earlier"
God I'm worried now I run down the stairs screaming his name.
He burst in from the the front door covered in blood. He looks at me and his eyes tell me he sees the horror in mine.
"It's not mine I promise I'm fine but you might want to come out here."
"You sure your fine"
"Yes now come on"
I follow him outside where I see a girl wandering around looking shocked and covered in blood.
I gasp she's Probably about my age.
I run up to her and she looks at me her face terrified.
"I shouldn't have been walking I should've stayed."
"Shush baby what's your name"
"R r Rebekah Curtis"
"Ok well what happened"
I look at her neck and see a bite oozing a little blood but it's not where most of its coming from.
She's been changed and I'm pissed now I bet you shes going through the same hell I went through.
"Umm I was walking home and other stuff happened but I was rapped and drugged I think."
She looks so sad.
"Rebekah can you tell me what they looked like.
"They where tall and had blonde hair and blue eyes"
Well shit it's the rouges that act like nazis and I know where they are.
"Well I'm gonna lead you inside your going to stay with me for a while ok"
She nods and I lead her inside and upstairs I knock on clarks door and he yells come in sounding irritated.
I walk inside with bekah behind me.
"Clark I need Gracie to take her and clean her up and find where most the bleedings coming from we will inform her of everything in the morning but we need to clean her up and Clark come with me."
Gracie takes bekah towards the bathroom and I lead Clark to the hall. I look at him and he looks shocked I bet my eyes are completely emerald green.
"Clark you know the one thing that ticks chairidy off worst then violet is what happened to me and it seems best you help me kill the rouges that did this do her"
"You mean what happened to you has.."
"Yes she's been rapped drugged and changed and we are going to kill the wolfs who did it"
I snap cutting him off.
"Ok let's go"
I go outside and shift stealthily making my way to the rouges camp when I see them I crouch low.
My ears pricked up and swiveling trying to catch there conversation.
"That was great we took what Jordan did to that girl five years ago and made it better with what we did to Rebekah."
"Yes we did that was great"
My anger is filling my chest Jordan that name. I hear Clark growl beside me. Jordan five years ago wait I was 13 five years ago and.
Yes he's the one who did that to you these people are coping him
With that charidy takes over and pounce on the one talking and take out his throat while Clark takes out the other one.
The moment it's over chairidy backs off giving me some more control. Clark looks at me and we take off back toward the pack.
I'm upstairs making sure Rebekah gets settled into the room next to mine when she's asleep I go to my room thinking of how to tell her she's a wolf.
I'm worried and tired when I climb into bed. Codys laying in the bed I climb next to him and his arms wrap around me the butterfly's swarm my stomach and the electricity is great.
"Good think of that not Rebekah right now"
He runs his finger over my body and the heat is so mmm no words just no words.
He does this until I fall asleep cuddled in his arms.

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