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"Dude, what happened?" Riki, a young midfielder, asked as he was jogging laps with Jake for their pre-warm-up. Each athlete was split up into different groups, running drills to help them with their skills for the upcoming match against Bournemouth.

Jake had met Riki last year when his previous club transferred him from Japan to England. He had exceptional talent and height for an 18-year-old, but no club in England was serious about taking him in until Riki received an offer from Bridgeport United. If the coaches were being honest, Riki was the best midfielder on the team despite being the youngest. He's had 6 assists and 7 goals so far in the season as an athlete who just transferred 5 months ago. His technique and strategy were over the roof for a first-timer in the big leagues. He was the one currently taking Jake's spotlight. Officials could even say he was in line for the Golden Boot. However, Riki constantly refused to admit he was ahead of Jake's prime because he practically idolized the guy and felt great joy to see Jake's success.

Jake had done so much for him as another fellow Asian player. Jake wasn't alone when it came to facing racism on and off the pitch. He knew Riki would have multiple encounters in the future and the least he could do for Riki was to make him feel like he belonged on the team. When Riki first arrived, Jake was the first one to approach the timid 18-year-old in an English-speaking country. Somehow, they managed to communicate and Jake had shown Riki all around London, making him feel comfortable in his new home. Over time, Jake had taught Riki so much from English and different football tricks.

"Probation," Jake deadpanned.

"Probation?! Dude what?" Riki's eyes opened widely.

"One more bad article and the president said he's booting me. This is my last chance."

"Jake, what is going on these days?"

"I don't know. I haven't been thinking straight and my mind is not in the right place at the moment. This may be it for me. I'm not sure how long I can keep up with my slump. It's just ripping me apart," Jake exclaimed, discouraged, "All I'm told is how I'm ruining my life, but no one cares enough to tell me how to fix it, you know?"

"Yeah, I suppose," Riki's voice trailed off, "I mean, you might as well fire that damn agent, right? He's not helping you with anything. It's one thing that the team kinda hates you for what you've been doing, but they also hate your agent. I don't think we've seen such an unprofessional relationship before. He puts you down and hasn't been helping you much since your injury. You've been on your own after your surgery too."

"I wish I could fire him," Jake let out an exasperated sigh, still on his 4th lap, "However, Gabriel has to help me with this. He said he'd do something about the girl and make a compromise with her. Besides, without him I'd still be in Australia, not being able to fulfill my dream. I was desperate to go to England."

Riki sighed, upset for his friend who he saw as an older brother. "Jake, just let me know if you need anything. You definitely need more friends around here. I'm here for you, bro."

"Thanks, Riki," Jake gave him a side smile ruffling his head, "I have to get out of this no matter what."


Gabriel had left the Bridgeport United training center pissed. First, he had to yell at his client for having bad behavior, second, he got told off by the president of the football club, and now he had to deal with his client's problem and hunt down the girl who started this issue.

"That bastard is always getting himself into deep shit," he muttered under his breath, making his way to this apparent football press company, "I should've ended it with him after his injury."

Gabriel managed to find the press company which was a single floor in a small building complex. He groaned and threw himself, a pathetic pity party as Gabriel walked up the steps to the 10th floor since the elevator was under maintenance.

"Of course, the lift is broken," he muttered bitterly, "Everything is always going wrong fucking in my life."

Gabriel practically died up those stairs. He had to take his black blazer off and roll up the sleeves of his white collared button-down shirt. His face was bright as a tomato from the exhaustion and sweat dripped down the sides of his face. And finally, he made it to the 10th floor and dramatically pushed through the doors. He found himself in an office, a few journalists sitting at their desks, unbothered by Gabriel's disruption. A young man walked passed him with a cup of coffee, eyeing him oddly.

"Erm, excuse me," he said frantically, "Who is the head of this press company? I must speak to him urgently."

"Why must you assume a man runs this company?" a woman's voice protruded from behind him.

Gabriel turned around, confused as he was face to face with a middle-aged woman with brown hair, tied into a sleek low ponytail, wearing a simple clean-cut navy blue dress.

"Who might you be?" he asked.

"Susan Skeeter, CEO of The Football Stage Daily," she gave him a smirk, "Now, why would a random man such as you be here?"

"My apologies Ms. Skeeter. My name is Gabriel Crawford, sports agent. However, I am looking for one of your journalists. I believe her name is Astrid and I have some business with her due to my client."

Susan nodded her head and clicked her tongue. "Mr. Crawford, you can follow me to my office so we can discuss this manner privately."

Entering her office, Susan closed the door and sat at the top of her desk, crossing her legs while Gabriel stood in front of her.

"What has my smart young intern done to you?" Susan cockily questioned while tilting her head.

Now for some reason, Gabriel was intimidated by this woman. Her confidence made him feel small. But he wouldn't let one person crush his skyrocketing (nonexistent) ego.

"Your smart intern has caused a major problem for my client. You know Jake Sim? The football player who's under fire for everything? Yeah, she messed everything up for him," Gabriel exclaimed, snark in his voice. 

Susan raised her eyebrows at the pathetic man and crossed her arms. "And you're positive it's not your client's fault for ruining his career from the beginning? It started after his injury and the whole public knows you did absolutely nothing to defend him."

Gabriel was stunned and unsure what to say. He felt himself bite the insides of his cheek, clenching his fists. "Ms. Skeeter," he puffed, holding himself back, "Just give Astrid my contact information and I will handle this with my client."

He handed Susan his business card firmly and then stormed out of the office. Oh how his shitty day got. And little did he know that his following days would just get worse.

goal to my heart | s. jakeWhere stories live. Discover now