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Astrid had finished up classes and was right on schedule for her internship at the press company. She absolutely loved interning there. The whole environment of typing computers, the smell of printer ink and coffee, the chattering about the latest football news, she never wanted to leave.

Ever since her encounter with Jake, she had such a hard time forgetting about it, but she was more concerned about what would happen to him. The news had been talking so negatively about him, she was worried about his career and didn't want her encounter to ruin his life, but at the same time, she didn't want to get involved with the media.

Astrid entered the doors of the press company, and the lovely Ms. Skeeter was standing on the side of the door.

"Ms. Skeeter," she said.

"Astrid, Astrid Astrid," Susan gave her a small smirk, shaking her head, "How on earth did you get to meet Jake Sim?"

"Huh"? Astrid's eyes opened widely as she felt a panic arise.

"Don't worry, no one knows but me," she exclaimed, leading Astrid into her office. "Gabriel Crawford paid me a visit this afternoon. An unpleasant individual I must say, but I was more surprised to know that he tracked you down so fast."

"W-well," Astrid stammered, "I was at the club with my friends, since you gave me off and I finished my exams, and I was looking for one of them since she was gone for a long time. I bumped into Jake as I was searching for her and was being chased by some awful men. And then we ran together because I knew the pap would be after him, writing more awful tabloids."

"That's sweet of you, but you do realize you're risking everything we have established? That football player is a walking disaster and despite our press writing only good news, we're going to have to revert soon because we don't have enough viewers. And to carelessly give our company business card out is absurd. Imagine people find out about you, find all of your information, and post it on the web. You know the tabloids are ruthless and would ruin your life."

Astrid's eyes opened widely as she fumbled with her fingers behind her back. She didn't know what to say because she wasn't thinking about the situation. Susan walked closer to Astrid and flung out a business card.

"Crawford wants to meet you today," she said, "Go resolve this issue. As of now, you will be on probation. Not because I'm mad, but it's for your own safety. If you cause another issue like this, then we'll have to end your internship. You don't want that do you?"

Astrid shook her head no. "Ms. Skeeter, I am truly sorry."


Astrid left the press company gutted. She knew she was reckless to some degree, but didn't think her rescue mission for Jake would lead her to getting on probation. If anything, she was mad. She did a good deed, but her life was now in shambles.

Gabriel had written on the back of the business card where to meet. Turns out they were meeting in a private conference room at a fancy hotel. Astrid gawked for a split second at the magnificent building structure. Windows covered the whole building, a giant chandelier dangling from the high ceiling.

"The big leagues are surely something," she muttered under her breath as she began walking into the hotel.

Immediately upon her entrance, she encountered a big man in a suit and sunglasses.

"Astrid Park?" he interrogated.

She nodded slowly.

"This way."

He directed her to the elevators and got in with her. Astrid stood in awkward silence with the big man as she went up the floors of the hotel. By the time she made it to the 50th floor, the doors opened, the big man still leading her. They walked down the ornately designed hallways with modern paintings. They finally stopped at a pair of solid black double doors. The man knocked on the door gently and proceeded to open it.

"In here, miss."

"Thank you," Astrid said quietly and with uncertainty. She cautiously walked into the room and saw a long table in the conference room. Jake sitting on the left side and Gabriel sitting at the head.

"Ms. Park, so glad you made it tonight," Gabriel called from a distance with a grin, "Take a seat across from Mr. Sim, hm?"

Astrid fully entered the room, the door closing from behind. She took a seat on the right side of Gabriel and was staring face to face with Jake. Rather than feeling the excitement she felt from him the initial time she met him, this time was awkward and bad energy flowed into the room.

"Ms. Park, how have you been?" Gabriel asked as she took a seat.

"I've been okay," she responded shortly. She was uncomfortable and unfamiliar with this sort of situation. Astrid glanced at Jake before she looked down. Jake's head was down, avoiding eye contact with the other two in the room.

"Let's get straight to business, shall we? So, it has been known that you encountered Jake at the club last night. As you know Mr. Sim's publicity is not at its peak. He's had several articles criticizing his performance and behavioral patterns. Both the football club and I are extremely concerned about him and we do not want any other news to end his career for good."

The tension in the conference room was frigid.

"So we have come up with a proposal. For £15,000 we ask that you state in an upcoming interview that Jake saved you at the bar and he was doing a good deed," Gabriel exclaimed, proud of himself, sliding the proposal in her direction.

Astrid briefly skimmed through the proposal and looked up at him unamused.

"Mr. Crawford, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to refuse-"

"How much more do you want? £20,000? £30,000?" Gabriel interrupted a slight panic in his voice from the unexpected setback.

"I don't care about the money, Mr. Crawford. I already know how British tabloids are. I don't want stalkers and I certainly don't want to reveal myself to the public. Also, why would I lie? I'm the one who saved Jake in the first place. He knows that. His presence may have been to my advantage, but face the facts, the paparazzi were chasing Jake and I got him out of the club before more damage was done to him."

A vein popped out of Gabriel's forehead, frustration clear on his face. "Ms. Park, do you not understand what you're doing? This can ruin both of your lives!"

"Mr. Crawford, I do not care for this at all. I care about my safety," Astrid stated firmly. She glared over to Jake, who was still in the same position from the start of the meeting.

"Yah," she snapped in Korean, "You understand Korean right?"

Jake looked up at her. She was pissed off, eyes with a surge of fire.

"Are you not going to say anything? This son of a bitch is trying to ruin both our lives and you're not defending yourself or trying to negotiate? At least try a little. It's pathetic that you're letting this bastard run your life. Even I know he's a shitty agent and verbally abuses you. If you want something to change, you will have to speak up. I'm leaving and I'm done with this. It was my fault for getting involved with you, but I don't have to be responsible for your reputation."

Astrid stood up, grabbed her bag, and stormed out of the room. The audacity that both of them had. Meanwhile, Jake stayed seated in his chair a bit confused, but at the same time shocked. To be frank, his Korean was trash. The only things he managed to understand were son of a bitch, bastard, I'm leaving, I'm done, speak up. He had a general idea of what she was saying. Basically, get your shit together.

"Ugh, she's such a bit-" Before Gabriel could finish his statement, Jake got up.

"Crawford, I'm leaving."

"Where the hell are you going? You're just going to get yourself in trouble again."

"I'm not. I'm going to find Astrid myself and talk to her."

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