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"Hey Jake, how're you feeling?" Astrid asked as her cell phone rested between her ear and shoulder. She was getting ready to go out on her date with Roman.

"Erm... anxious," his voice trailed off, "The president hasn't called me yet. I don't know how damaging this will be for my career."

"Don't stress about it too much, 'kay? Besides, Jay will come next week to talk to you in person and start your promotional events. With the upcoming charities and future advertisements, you'll be back on top in no time. For now, just focus on your upcoming matches and practice."

Jake took a deep breath and exhaled. "Alright, Astrid. Thank you for your help so far."

"Mhm," she hummed with satisfaction, "I'll let you know when the next article will be released. See you soon."

Astrid put her phone down as she looked at herself in the mirror. Finally, after having to reschedule her initial date with Roman multiple times, they were finally able to meet. The weather was certainly frigid as December creeped around the corner. Astrid, with her straightened hair, Moncler coat over her thick sweater, and pair of comfy jeans, made her way out of the apartment. With excitement, she and Roman were meeting up at the sports bar to catch up and watch Bridgeport United's match. Astrid had been looking forward to this day as she had been swamped with multiple papers to write for university and articles to edit for the press company.

Roman had been sitting on a bar stool at the sports bar for 15 minutes, nervous as he waited for Astrid. He had been anticipating this because of the number of times Astrid had to reschedule their date. Roman was losing hope and at this point, expected to be stood up because of Astrid's busy schedule. As he heard the jingle from the doors of the bar, he turned his head to see Astrid walking in. Her nose and ears were still red from the cold. She looked straight forward at Roman, giving him a wholehearted smile.

"Roman!" she exclaimed, giddily.

"Astrid," Roman exclaimed, getting off the bar stool and approaching Astrid, "Hi."

"Have you been waiting long?"

"Nope, I just got here too," he lied, smiling at her, admiring how pretty she was.

As Astrid sat on the barstool, she looked up at the TVs, Bridgeport United's game just starting. The players on both sides came out of the locker rooms, holding hands with young children, making their way to the pitch.

"Well would you look at that. Mr. Sim is back on the pitch," Astrid thought warmly to herself.

The time Astrid and Roman spent together was enjoyable. They talked over some beers and foods to snack on, yelled at the TV when the ref made the wrong call, and left together slightly tipsy from the booze, holding each other by the waist.

"I had a lot of fun tonight," Astrid giggled, "Let's do this again."

"I would love that," Roman exclaimed as the two stopped in front of her apartment, "But promise me no rescheduling. Tell me when you can really come."

Astrid nodded, "I'm really sorry. I promise I'm going to come on time."

She stuck out her pinky. Roman wrapped his pinky around hers.

"Good night, Astrid."



Jake had been showing significant improvement in training since the article about his department with his former agent came out and an unexpected opportunity to be on the starting lineup a week ago. Though he was still anxious about Gabriel Crawford, he was more at peace, enjoying the quality of life. Jake was able to focus better, and there seemed to be less criticism about him and his performance around the football club and press.

"Jake, Jake!" Riki exclaimed earnestly in the locker room, jogging towards his direction.


"The manager wants to speak with you."

"The manager?" Jake's eyebrows raised, surprised by the request.

"Yeah, and I think it's good news. I have a gut feeling you're going to be in the starting lineup for the match coming up in two days," Riki was clearly excited by this possibility, "Your performance was really good last week considering your previous games. I think they're going to permanently keep you on!"

"Don't get your hopes up too much," Jake patted his shoulder, leaving the locker room, "But let's see what Cordoso wants."


a/n: hi guys i'm alive... barely lmfao 

anyways, i'm grateful for the patience you guys have been showing me. it's been a whirlwind of emotions and stress at college >.< i high key suffered a lot and was depressed for a whole month lmaoo but i'm much better and adjusted. to be honest, not too sure how long this will take me because i've had to write so many papers and had so many assignments during my first semester of college. however, when i have time i will do my best to upload because i have so many ideas and love expressing my creativity through writing <3

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